I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Saturday, November 26, 2011


[Roast Duckling]

...we had our little Thanksgiving celebration a little bit later because we celebrated the actual day with friends...

...I had the day off on Friday so after we got our tree up I decided we should celebrate with another Yuba duck recipe...

...I used the same procedure as before to make the yuba...and really once you have that done...it comes together pretty quickly...

...some of the instructions about the handling of the dead body are quite gruesome...

...first you place your vegan duck in a roasting pan...and sprinkle on the herbs and some salt and pepper...

...then you strew some vegetables around it...carrots and onions...donchajusluv the word 'strew'...how often do you get to use that word...

...pour on some brown stock...

...I used Washington's Rich Brown Seasoning and Broth...

...of course you don't have to worry about medium rare or any such thing...just roast until everything is heated through and the vegetables are done...

...then add the 'optional' port...I definitely recommend adding this...you cook off the alcohol and it just adds another layer of flavor...

...mash up the vegetables...

...and stir in some Earth Balance right before serving...

...taste and correct seasoning...

...pour into a gravy boat...

...and pour some over the roast...

...slice and serve...

...we had ours simply with some plain steamed rice...

...and fresh peas...

...this was so (SO VERY) good...tender and a little bit chewy...the sauce was delicious...as all of Julia's sauces are...we really enjoyed it...and if I could get ready made yuba...I might make it a little more often...

Vegan Yuba Duck for the duckling
Vegan Brown Broth for the Stock
Earth Balance for Butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 274-275

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vegan Carottes aux Fines Herbes

[Braised Carrots with Herbs]

...Wow...sorry to be away so long...just busy...

...but I pulled these carrots from my little garden back in September...

...brought them home and washed them up...

...and stored them in my fridge...

...I'm amazed at how long carrots keep...and they're just as fresh and sweet and crisp as when they were picked...

...still I'm going to be making some carrot dishes and use them all up soon...

...peel the carrots...of course...

...I turn the carrot about 1/4 turn after each cut to get pretty assymetrical shapes...but I'm sure they're just as pretty sliced...

...put them in a pot...with a little bit of sugar...

...some Earth Balance...

...here they are after they've cooked for about 30 minutes...I know that seems like a long time...they're certainly tender at this point...

...then boil off the remaining liquid...

...toss with the fresh parsley...and some more Earth Balance...

...pour into a hot vegetable dish...

...and serve...

...this is really just the VEGAN CAROTTES ÉTUVÉES AU BEURRE with the addition of some parsley...Julia says you can also add chives or chevril...but I don't like onion-y things with my carrots...so I only added parsley...

...the dish is quite nice and pretty and colourful...but I preferred the plain braised carrots...that may be because I only had Italian Parsley and it seemed a bit strong with the sweet and delicate carrots...

Substitutions: Earth Balance for Butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 477