I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Monday, October 31, 2011

Vegan Deglazing Sauce with Truffles

...another recipe without a French Title...these are just variations of VEGAN SUPRÊMES DE VOLAILLE À BRUN...so start by browning some tofu in some Earth Balance and oil...

...then when that's done...chop up some truffles...

...Julia says to use canned truffles with their juices...

...add those to your wine and shallots from the Vegan Brown Deglazing Sauce with Wine recipe...

...I added the juice from the jar as well...then boil down until liquid is syrupy...

...and pour over your sautéed tofu suprêmes...

...the wine colours the shallots purple...so this is quite a colourful dish...

...I'm loving these easy variations on the basic sautéed suprêmes...so quick and tasty...

Substitutions: Earth Balance for Butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 271

Friday, October 28, 2011


[Pastry Turnovers with Roquefort Cheese]

...I certainly seem to be on a finger food kick here lately...Scout has a dance tonight and I made these little lovelies for the Man and I to snack on as we watched the movie 'Fargo'...funny we've lived in North Dakota for 6 1/2 years and we've never seen it...

...you'll need to make some tofu roquefort like the VEGAN AMUSE-GUEULE AU ROQUEFORT...or use another bleu cheese substitute...the other recipes for Roquefort snacks were so good that I want to try them again with some Sheese Blue Cheese...

...mash the 'cheese' with some Earth Balance...and add some flax seed goo for the egg...

...and some kirsch...

...beat in some vegan cream...but don't thin too much...

...it should remain a fairly thick paste...

...then make a VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...

...roll it out pretty thin...about 1/8 of an inch thick...cut it into 2 1/2 inch squares...

...put a teaspoon of Vegan Roquefort filling in the center of each square...

...seal the edges with a little bit of flax seed goo...

...then press the edges together...

...to form a little triangle...

...then press them again...making a design with the tines of a fork...

...place them on a baking sheet and brush tops with some more flax seed goo...then poke a small hole in the center of each triangle to vent...

...bake in the upper third of the oven for about 15 minutes until puffed and lightly browned...you can see that mine really puffed up and not all of my seams held...

...Julia says you can bake these and then reheat them right before serving...

...we ate several still warm...

...they were so good and crisp and crunchy with that cheesy soft filling in the middle...delicious...another perfect little pickup finger food...

and also from the VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

pp. 204-206

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vegan Canapés aux Épinards

[Spinach and Cheese Canapés]

...Julia suggests serving these hot as a first course...not that we really have 'courses' around here...but we did munch on these little treats before supper...Julia also says you can cut the triangles in half again and make little cocktail appetizers...I think that would be great...I'm planning on making them again to take to a little Halloween gathering...and I think I'll make the smaller version...

...Melt some Earth Balance...

...and cut the crusts off some white bread...and sauté in some Earth Balance...until lightly browned...

...top the triangles with some braised spinach, bread crumbs and vegan cheese...

...sprinkle tops with melted Earth Balance and run under a moderately hot broiler until browned and heated through...

...these were so very good...I bet even people who say they don't like spinach would like them...because they're so cheesy and crsip...

Earth Balance for Butter
Daiya Mozzarella for the Swiss Cheese

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 472

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


[Cauliflower au gratin with Cheese]

...I seem to be on a creamy/cheesy vegetable kick lately...that's because of the chilly fall weather...and because a lot of Julia's recipes are creamy and cheesy...

...first you'll need to make some VEGAN CHOU-FLEUR BLANCHI...and some Vegan Sauce Mornay...so many of Julia's recipes build on previous ones...you might look at a short 2 paragraph recipe only to find that there are three other 2 page recipes involved as well...

...mix some vegan cheese with some fine dry breadcrumbs...

...pour the sauce mornay over the cauliflower and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and cheese...

...dribble on some melted Earth Balance...

...place in the upper third of the oven and heat through and brown the top lightly...

...serve as soon as possible...

...I love just about anything covered in a sauce mornay...so creamy and good...

Earth Balance for Butter
the substitutions for the Vegan Sauce Mornay
Daiya Mozzarella shreds for the cheese

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 459

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vegan Brown Deglazing Sauce with Wine

...for some reason this recipe doesn't have a French title...it's just a variation on the VEGAN SUPRÊMES DE VOLAILLE À BRUN...

...so after removing the sautéed suprêmes from the pan...you stir in some minced onions...

...then some stock...I used Washington's Rich Brown Seasoning and Broth...

...and some wine...

...boil down rapidly over high heat...until liquid is reduced and kind of syrupy...

...pour it over the suprêmes...

...and serve...

...this variation was very good...I think I prefered the buttery SUPRÊMES DE VOLAILLE À BRUN...but a reduced wine sauce is very nice and rich...

Earth Balance for Butter
Vegan broth for the stock
and the other substitutions from the VEGAN SUPRÊMES DE VOLAILLE À BRUN

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 271

Monday, October 24, 2011

Vegan Fonds d'Artichauts Mornay

[Artichoke Bottoms Gratineed with Cheese Sauce]

...everything's just always better smothered in a creamy buttery cheesy sauce...and that even holds true for artichokes...

...this is really a lot like the Vegan Fonds d'Artichauts à la Crème...just with the addition of some cheese...

...first you make the Vegan Sauce Mornay and pour that over the artichokes...in a buttered baking dish...sprinkle with cheese - I used Daiya Mozzarella Shreds...and dot with butter...

...about 30 minutes before serving place in the upper third of the oven and heat through...

...we had to turn on the broiler for a minute to brown the cheese...

...it's a pretty dish...it would be perfect for company too...

...hearty and cheesy - perfect for these chilly fall days...

Earth Balance for Butter
Daiya Shreds for the cheese
substitutions for the Vegan Sauce Mornay

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 433