[Pastry Turnovers with Roquefort Cheese]
...I certainly seem to be on a finger food kick here lately...Scout has a dance tonight and I made these little lovelies for the Man and I to snack on as we watched the movie 'Fargo'...funny we've lived in North Dakota for 6 1/2 years and we've never seen it...

...you'll need to make some tofu roquefort like the
VEGAN AMUSE-GUEULE AU ROQUEFORT...or use another bleu cheese substitute...the other recipes for Roquefort snacks were so good that I want to try them again with some Sheese Blue Cheese...
...mash the 'cheese' with some Earth Balance...and add some
flax seed goo for the egg...

...and some kirsch...

...beat in some vegan cream...but don't thin too much...

...it should remain a fairly thick paste...

...then make a
...roll it out pretty thin...about 1/8 of an inch thick...cut it into 2 1/2 inch squares...

...put a teaspoon of Vegan Roquefort filling in the center of each square...

...seal the edges with a little bit of flax seed goo...

...then press the edges together...

...to form a little triangle...

...then press them again...making a design with the tines of a fork...

...place them on a baking sheet and brush tops with some more flax seed goo...then poke a small hole in the center of each triangle to vent...

...bake in the upper third of the oven for about 15 minutes until puffed and lightly browned...you can see that mine really puffed up and not all of my seams held...

...Julia says you can bake these and then reheat them right before serving...

...we ate several still warm...

...they were so good and crisp and crunchy with that cheesy soft filling in the middle...delicious...another perfect little pickup finger food...
Substitutions: Substitutions from the
and also from the
VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...Recipe here:
Mastering the Art of French Cooking
pp. 204-206