I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


[Roquefort Cheese Balls - Cold]

I needed a little appetizer thing-y to take to a gathering at Church...and I just love the word amuse-gueule but I prefer the word amuse-bouche and thought that it was really interesting that the dictionary says that gueule is the more vulgar word...imagine Julia using a more vulgar word...

...anywhoo...I wanted to make a cheese ball sort of appetizer...but not a big cheese ball like the one for Christmas...but I wanted to make little bite sized pick ups that could be popped in the mouth...

...so I needed some Roquefort cheese...I have tried Sheese's Blue Cheese and it's very good and if I had any access to it I would probably have used it...just because it would be easier...

...but I decided to make a variation of the Roquefort Dressing and Dip recipe from the Uncheese Cookbook by Joanne Stepaniak...so first I mixed up some All Season Blend...and I actually found the recipe here for you...

...I crumbled up some regular firm tofu...

...and put it into a pot with the All Season Blend and some water...

...and cooked it for about 20 minutes - this will be the base of the Roquefort Cheese...

...then looking at the other ingredients for the dressing/dip - the one that probably imparts the most Roquefort-y flavor is the Umeboshi Plum paste...I couldn't get that but I did find pickled Umeboshi plums...

...so I took out the pit and mashed them up in my mortar and pestle...so now they're Umeboshi Plum paste...

...drain your 'Roquefort'...really well...

...Julia's recipe is actually quite simple...just mash up the Roquefort-tofu with some softened Earth Balance...

...Add some chives and minced celery...a pinch of cayenne...

...and a few drops of Vegan Worschestershire sauce...I make my own from a recipe very similar to this one...

...mix it together really well...

...grind up some stale white bread and add some parsley to it...

...form the Roquefort mixture into little balls...

... and roll around in the bread crumbs...

...these were really good and everyone loved them...

...perfect little bite sized orbs...

...they were awesome to just pop in your mouth...but I bet they'd be good with crackers too...

Substitutions: Earth Balance for Butter
Tofu boiled with All Season Blend-Umeboshi Plum Paste-Earth Balance for the Roquefort

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 196

1 comment:

  1. I definitely need to try this. I loved all blue cheeses and would love something with the same tang.
