I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Vegan Farce Mentonnaise

[Vegan Salmon and Anchovy Stuffing]

...I was reluctant to make this recipe...just because it didn't sound like it would be good to me...and the Man said for me not to even make any for him...haha...

...and Julia simply says this about the recipe..."An unlikely combination, but a good one"

...it's a simple one for sure...just four ingredients...
...I sautéed the onions in my 'outside' kitchen....
...a very simple mis en place...I'm using Gardein crumbles for the ground vegan lamb...capers for the anchovies...Vegan Lox for the vegan salmon...I snipped up some Nori for more flavor of the sea...and made a whole in the center of my a href="http://theveganversion.blogspot.com/2012/04/vegan-gigot-en-chevreuil.html">vegan lamb...
...stuffed the vegan farce mentonnaise into the vegan lamb...wrapped it in foil...
...and baked it in my outside kitchen for about 1/2 hour...
...served it with vegan mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, and some roasted kohlrabi...
...it was nicely browned too...
...but Julia was right about one thing...it's an odd combination...not so right about the other thing...haha...probably won't be making this one again...


Vegan Lamb...of course...I used the same recipe as the VEGAN GIGOT EN CHEVREUIL
.Vegan mince - I used Gardein
Vegan Salmon - I grated up some Vegan Lox...and added a piece of Nori snipped into little pieces
Vegan Anchovies - I used capers

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 338)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Vegan Escalopes de Veau à l'Estragon

[Vegan Sauteed Veal Scallops with Brown Tarragon Sauce]

...Julia doesn't say anything about this recipe except what starch to serve it with ...rice, pasta or potatoes and green peas and bordeaux wine...
...you start by sautéing your vegan veal cutlets...I'm using marinated tofu...
...then you remove those to a dish...
...and sauté some green onions or shallots...
...then add some white wine...
...and tarragon...
...then some vegan beef stock or bouillon...
...and thicken it with an arrowroot powder slurry...
...and spoon the sauce over the cutlets....
...and we served it with pasta and peas as suggested...
...this was a really simple and quick to make dinner...the tarragon flavor was a bit strong for my taste though...still pretty good though...


Earth Balance for butter
Tofu for the Vegan Veal
Vegan beef flavored broth

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 367-368)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Vegan Rognons de Veau à la Bordelaise

[Vegan Kidneys in Red Wine Sauce with Marrow]

...for the Vegan Kidneys...I used the mushroom/walnut idea from this recipe Vegan Farce aux Rognons...and made that into a paste and added it to the veal seitan recipe...VEGAN ESCALOPES DE VEAU À LA CRÈME...it actually had a wonderful texture...
...so I cut that into chunks and sautéed it in Earth Balance...
...then removed it to a casserole...
...and covered it...
...cut up some green onion...just a couple of tablespoons...and I'm still using my cut up almond milk cartons...they work perfectly for this...and then I can still rinse them and put them in the recycle bin...our county recycles all kinds of tetra packs...you just have to remove the little plastic spout...
...sauté the onions for a minut...
...then add the red wine...
...then the herbs...a big pinch of thyme and ground bayleaf...
...then add some vegan broth with some arrowroot powder mixed in...
...cook for a few minutes until thickened...
...add the vegan kidney back to the pan...keep it at a low simmer...
...for the vegan marrow...I'm using some of this Gardein Be'f...
...and some dried shitake mushrooms...
...ground together in a mortar and pestle...
...add that to the simmering sauce...
...Julia suggests serving with peas and potatoes...
...so we did...
...and it was really really good...the sauce makes the dish...


Earth Balance for butter
Vegan Veal Seitan with Vegan Kidney (ground walnuts and mushrooms) added...
Vegan beef flavored broth
Gardein Be'f and Shitake mushrooms for the marrow

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 419-420)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


[Vegan Ham Braised in Wine — Vegan Cream and Mushroom Sauce]

...Julia's recipe is for 16-20 people...yikes...I won't be making nearly that much...
...you start by slicing some onion...
...and some carrot....
...and sauté that in some vegan butter in the casserole dish...
...I added my herbs to my tea ball...parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns, thyme, and cloves...I used one...
...add your vegan ham to the casserole...and the white wine...
...add some vegan beef broth...and cook in the oven...
I put mine in the toaster oven on the back porch to avoid heating up the big oven..it's so hot here...
...when it's done...take it out of the casserole to a wire rack...and sprinkle with powdered sugar...
...then put it back in the oven for about 15 minutes...
...until lightly browned...
...then make the mushroom cream sauce...
...sauté until browned...
...degrease with some of the roasting liquid...
...mix flour and vegan butter into a paste...
...beat in the flour/butter and cream...
...we served ours with peas and crusty leftover Greek bread...
...peas go so well with a creamy musrhoom sauce...it was really good...


Vegan Ham...I just made a quick ham patty using TVP and VWG...but if you're more ambitious than that...I often make Tracy's Version...but you'll have to go to the WayBackMachine to get that...
Vegan Beef Bouillon
Vegan Margarine for Butter - I used Earth Balance...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 391-392)