I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Vegan Gratin d'Endives

[Vegan Gratin of Endive with Ham]
...y'all saw this endive in the grocery shop for the weekend...and it was expensive at $5.99 per pound...Julia even says in her introductory paragrah that endive is very expensive...but you remove the outer leaves and cut off the stem...
...and then you braise it in vegan butter...VEGAN ENDIVES À LA FLAMANDE
...wrap it in vegan ham...
...and smother it in vegan bechamel...
...sprinkle on some vegan cheese...
...and bake...
...we served it with Bryanna's Breast of Tofu, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and a handful of little yellow tomatoes...
...well...it was good...creamy and savory...it made a nice accompaniment to the meal...


Vegan Ham

recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 156...

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


[Vegan Fish Soufflé]

...Julia gives no introduction to this recipe at all...she just dives right in...
...y'all have seen me use these vegan fish filets before...
...I just peel the breading off...
...then I got out my Nori sheets...and a green onion...because the first thing you do is make the VEGAN FISH POACHED IN WHITE WINE...
...so I ground up my vegan fish filets and added them...the green onion and the nori sheets along with some white wine to an oven proof dish...
...and baked that...
...then I mixed the vegan butter and flour...
...and added the boiling almond milk...this part always looks horrible...
...but just keep stirring...and it will come together to make a nice white sauce...
...then add in your poached vegan fish...
...and stir well to combine...breaking everything up to make as smooth a sauce as possible...the Nori pretty much disentigrates...
...and y'all have seen me use whipped aqua faba here before to mimic the egg whites in the recipe...but this time I'm going to omit that and just use some baking powder for the poof...
...I put the mixture in a parchment lined ramekin...because I'm expecting it to rise over the rim...
...Ok...in the oven it really did rise up onto the parchement...but as soon as I set it out of the oven it began to deflate...and by the time I got my camera it had deflated to the top of the ramekin...
...and we served it with a vegan fish filet and some peas and carrots...
...it definitely had more of the texture of a pudding than a poofy souffle...but it was still a very delicious side dish...


Vegan fish for the fish...we used Gardein
Vegan Butter
Vegan milk
Baking powder for the egg whites

recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 168-169...

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Vegan Timbale de Crêpes

[Vegan Molded French Pancakes with Various Fillings]

...this is the second time I've made this recipe...the first time...I filled them with theVEGAN FONDUE DE CRUSTACÉS...and they were a bit of a flop...they tasted fine...but when I turned them out of the casserole dish they kind of flopped...

...so this time...I'm going smaller with the dish...and making little individual timbales...and I'm filling them with a simple cheese sauce...
...so first...of course...you need to make some vegan Crêpes...
...and since I'm using individual cups...I needed to trim mine...
...then I just lined the sides and bottom of a buttered oven safe dish...
...got out some smoked vegan provolone and made my VEGAN FONDUE AU GRUYÈRE for the filling...just using the vegan provolone instead of the gruyere...
...and started filling the little cups...
...filling...cheese...crepe...filling...cheese...crepe...ending with the vegan cheese...
...set them in a pan of water...
...and baked...
...these little ones unmolded perfectly...and I put them right side up on a bed of lettuce...because I thought they were prettier that way...
...but the recipe says to turn them out...
...I liked these a lot...they're a nice luncheon or brunch dish...


...so you'll need the Subs from the VEGAN PÂTE À CRÊPES...
...and all the subs from the VEGAN FONDUE AU GRUYÈRE

recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 195...

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Vegan Petits Oignons en Garniture

[Vegan Vegetable Mixtures] - not sure why it's translated this way...I'd probably say something like Vegan Baby (or Little) Onion Garnish

...Julia just says that "Braised onions go nicely mixed with other vegetables such as glazed carrots, sauteed mushrooms, artichoke hearts, and sauteed potatoes."
...so I'm using the carrots and parsnips from my sweet Brother and SIL's garden...along with a potato...
...and then just braising those all together using the master recipe...
...it makes a pretty and delicious smelling sort of vegetable stew...
...served as an accompaniment to marinated tofu, broccoli and a salad...
...it was really delicious...I'll definitely be making this again...


vegan butter for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 484