...Sunday mornings around here are usually pretty hectic with last minute preparations for Church and often breakfast is a banana or some toast...so when we get home in the afternoon - we sometimes like to do a 'Brunch for Lunch' sort of thing...
...and after my initial success with the L'OMELETTE BROUILLÉE...we decided to have omelettes for lunch and I mixed up the vegan egg omelette again...
...this time I'd be trying my hand (literally) at a rolled omelette - Julia actually makes the whole omelette thing sound pretty scary in her descriptions and as I don't have an omelette pan - I had to adapt my techniqe somewhat...

...I started by pouring the 'egg' mixture into the center of the pan (my Cuisinart Non-Stick pan)...and letting it set a little bit...

...Julia says that the rolled omelette is the most fun to make...and she describes tilting and jerking the pan to get the omelette to roll over on itself...but I just used a spatula to roll my omelette...

...it rolled up nice and pretty...

....the Man even said that it looked just like a 'real omelette' HA...
Earth Balance for Butter
Vegan Egg Omelette Mixture for eggs
Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking
pp. 132-135
I've wanted to try making vegan omelettes. This looks great!