I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


[Custard Filling]

...This is the delicious custard filling that we used to fill the TARTE AUX CERISES, FLAMBÉE...

...this pudding is so delicious and the texture is so perfect that it's going to become my go-to pudding recipe...

...this one is flavoured with Kirsch - and next time - I'll go lighter on the Kirsch than Julia suggests - but I can imagine this pudding with just vanilla or chocolate - delicious...

...we started with some slippery flax seed goo as a replacement for the egg yolks...

...stirred in some sugar...

...added some flour...

...That's Scout measuring the flour - just like Julia says - scoop and then level...

...stir in your flour - then add the boiling milk - we used soy milk of course...

...stir constantly over moderately high heat...

...Julia says it will become lumpy as it comes to a boil - but ours did not...she says not to worry as it will smooth out as you beat it...

...off heat - stir in some butter - Earth Balance...

...add some Kirsch - again - you may want to go lighter than the 3 Tablespoons Julia suggests - especially if you'll be serving this to children...

...then add your cherries...

...and you'll have a perfect custard for your pie...

Earth Balance for Butter
Soymilk for milk
Flax Seed Goo for Egg yolks

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 590-591


  1. I was wondering how you make the flax seed egg replacement in transparent color? Thanks for sharing,

  2. Hi Jo,

    I use whole flax seed and just boil it with some water the regular and the resulting flax seed goo is perfectly clear and very slimy...

    I hope that helps...

    Have a lovely day!



  3. Hi, how much flax did you use? Thanks. Poppy

  4. Hi Poppy,

    Thanks for stopping by! It's nice to 'meet' you!

    Here's a link to my 'method'...


    I usually use abou 2 Tbsp of flax seed to 1 cup of water...

    ~Have a lovely day!



  5. Wow! What a fun - and amazingly challenging - project! I was going to experiment with a vegan crème patissière, but thought I would see if anyone else had already mastered it! Isn't it cool that so many people are doing this now?

    I will try your recipe when I can get into the kitchen! *One question - has anyone had success using other "milks"? I don't do well with soy either. I'm thinking maybe almond-milk?
    Thank you so much for sharing your work & recipe!! :)

  6. @Sarah Okc
    Hi Sarah,

    ...and thanks for stopping by The Vegan Version...you can definitely use almond milk successfully in this recipe...I've probably used almond milk more than soymilk in this recipe...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. Have you ever tried aquafaba as an egg replacement?

    1. Hi and thanks for stopping by The Vegan Version...
      ...I definitely use aquafaba a lot...but I still use the flax seed goo as well...I love that aquafaba whips up so nicely...so I always use it when I need an 'stiff egg white' replacement...
      ~Have a lovely day!
