I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Thursday, November 11, 2010


[Butter Spongecake]

Scout reminded me once again that it was time to make something sweet - so I flipped to the final chapter and we made the simple (or not so simple) spongecake...

...start by buttering and flouring a pan...I also always use a round parchment paper - it just makes the cake removal so much easier...

...then Julia suggests that you measure all your ingredients...

...and made my flax seed 'egg yolks'...

...then mixed the 'egg yolks' with the sugar and vanilla...

...then I whipped up my 'egg whites'...

...I have a wonderful new substitution for egg whites - Versa Whip 600 K - I first heard about it on Bryanna's blog...

...for the 4 'egg whites' I used 1/2 teaspoon of Versa Whip and 1/2 teaspoon of agar powder and 7 Tablespoons of water - and whipped that up to form some pretty stiff peaks...

...then you start folding 'egg whites' and flour into the 'egg yolk' and sugar mixture...

...carefully fold - so that the 'whites' don't lose their fluff...

...fold in another 1/3 of 'whites' and flour...

...and fold again carefully...

...then fold in the final 1/3 of fluff...

...and flour...

...then fold in half the melted Earth Balance...

...then the other half - leaving the water in the cup...

...then pour it into your prepared pan...

...and tilt to coat the sides...

...bake at 350⁰ for 30 - 35 minutes...let stand in the pan and then run a knife around the edge...

...I used parchment paper so my cake popped right out - just peel off the paper...

...and put it on the cake stand to cool...

Earth Balance for Butter
Versa Whip 600 K + Agar Powder for the Egg Whites
Flax seed goo for the egg yolks

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

pp. 669 - 670


  1. How did the cake turn out taste and texture wise with the versawhip?

    And where did you get that big bag, if you don't mine me asking? I need to order some more...

    Cheers (and what a cool theme!)

  2. Beautiful! Now if I could just get my hands on some Versawhip...
