I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


[Vegan Pork Braised wtih Red Cabbage]

Julia says this about this recipe..."A good dish of red cabbage is even better when a roast of pork is cooked with it. The casserole of cabbage cooks for 3 hours before the pork goes into it, and needs 2 hours more in the oven until the pork is done."...so I said YIKES - 5 hours of cooking...but really it was easy...there's almost no interaction with the food during the long cooking times...just a little bit of prep...and then a couple of LONG baking times...
...so the first thing you want to do is get your cabbage in the oven...VEGAN CHOUX ROUGE À LA LIMOUSINE...she says you can omit the chestnuts...I also omitted the carrots and onions...
...and then brown your seitan porc roast...my recipe for that is here...VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ...
...and then you just arrange the porc and the cabbage in your casserole and bake for a further 2 hours...which the seitan probably needs anyway...
...and then Julia says to degrease and season the cooking juices, and pour them over the cabbage...but I didn't really have enough 'juices' after cooking it for 5 hours to bother with that...haha...
...we served ours with bread and grilled sweet potato...
...and Julia is right about the cabbage being 'sweetened' by this long cooking time...it was a delicious accompaniment to the vegan pork...


VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ... for the porc
I used Earth Balance for browning the seitan...but you can use any oil you like...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 384-385


  1. I love everything about that! I'll be definitely doing this as soon as the heatwave stops!

    1. Hi Éphée,
      ...It was really delicious...and not a difficult dish to make at all...once the seitan was done...but you could of course use a 'prefab' vegan meat...I remember some vegan porc medallions that I got at an Asian grocery that would be perfec for this dish...
      ~Have a lovely day!

  2. Interesting! When I first glanced at the photo I thought it was blueberries....wow, 5 hours seems excessive! Love, K

    1. Hey K,
      ...a lot of Julia's cook times seem excessive to me...but then since a lot of them have big chunks of meat maybe they're not that excessive...haha...

  3. That roast looks extra lovely on that bed of vibrant cabbage.
