I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


[Vegan Garlic Mashed Potatoes]

...Y'all know that I keep a spreadsheet to track which recipes I've completed...and I was surprised that we'd never attempted this one...because...potatoes...

...this recipe is a test run for our Easter Sunday dinner...we're going to have a vegan version of Julia's GIGOT DE PRÉ-SALÉ RÔTI...and she says that these garlic mashed potatoes go with roast lamb...

...this is what Julia says about this recipe..."Two whole heads of garlic will seem like a horrifying amount if you have not made this type of recipe before. But if less is used, you will regret it, for the long cooking of the garlic removes all of its harsh strength, leaving just a pleasant flavor. Garlic mashed potatoes go with roast lamb, pork, goose, or sausages."

...however...I did not take her advice...I'm definitely not putting two whole heads of garlic in anything...I'm quite sure that I only want a hint of garlic...
...and you start with the "long cooking" of the garlic...I'm still using up the chopped garlic that we got from Sysco...Julia says about 30 cloves...(Holy Buckets...as they would say in North Dakota...never understood that one)...so...I used a couple of teaspoons of chopped garlic...and it smells plenty garlic-ky...

...you blanch the garlic...drain...and rinse...and then cook slowly without browning for about 20 minutes...(not really that long when it comes to Julia's vegetable cook times...haha)
...then you blend in a couple to tablespoons of flour...also without browning...
...and then add boiling milk...
...and you'll have a really garlic-ky gravy...
...simmer for a couple of minutes...Julia says this can be done ahead of time...and then reheated when you're ready to add it to the potatoes...
...now...on to the potatoes...peel and quarter them...and boil until tender...
...Drain immediately...
... and put through a potato ricer....
...I got my potato ricer from Williams-Sonoma years ago...I really like it...but rarely use it...
...I used the smaller holed disk...and got a thin spaghetti sized rice...I thought the next step was a little bit odd...and a little bit unnecessary...just because my potatoes were already pretty dry...
...you put this puree back over the heat to evaporate moisture....
...Julia says to stir until a film forms on the bottom of the pan...
...then you beat in the vegan butter...
...and just before serving you add your garlic sauce...
...and just whip that into the potato puree...
...for this trial run...we had the garlic mashed potatoes with vegan sausage and cabbage...
...and I liked them...they're really good and creamy...and even with just 2 teaspoons of garlic...they are very garlic-ky...so use the 30 cloves at your own risk...


...Earth Balance for the butter...
...vegan cream for the cream - I used Silk...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 517

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


...this is one of a few recipes that Julia gives for improving the flavor of "CANNED" foods...the use of which was probably more common in the 60s when these books were written...

Julia says that Canned mushrooms will have more flavor in sauces or garnitures if you follow this procedure ...
...I...on purpose...got a couple of cans of canned mushrooms in my InstaCart shop...
...you start by sauteeing a spoonful of shallots or green onions in vegan butter without browning...
...then you add the mushrooms...
...and season with salt and pepper...
...add some optional port or madeira...I didn't have either so just used a Cabernet Sauvignon...
...cover and cook slowly for a bit...
...I just added a seitan cutlet...
...and served it over rice...it was quite tasty...and pretty simple...so...I'm sure Julia was right...the canned mushrooms were much improved by this procedure...


...Earth Balance for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 517

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Vegan Soufflé à l’ Orange

[Vegan Orange Soufflé with Cointreau, Curasao, Grand Marnier, Etc.]

...there are lots of variations for the Vanilla Soufflé...so go to the basic recipe for VEGAN SOUFFLÉ À LA VANILLE
...and the only thing you really do differently is rub some sugar cubes on an orange and crush them and add them to the pudding...and add some orange flavoring...I didn't actually have any orange flavored liqueur...but I did have some orange extract flavoring so I used that...but be careful if you go that route because you don't need very much...I found this online when I searched for the substitute rule...

One tsp. orange extract is equal to one tbsp. orange liqueur [like Grand Marnier]. Extracts, whether vanilla, lemon, almond or another flavor, are made by mixing a concentrated flavor with alcohol.(allspiceonline)...but I thought even that was too much...so just be careful if you sub extract for liqueur...Julia calls for 2-3 Tablespoons of liqueur...and I think 1/2 teaspoon of the extract is plenty...
...and then just follow the the rest of the recipe for the Soufflé...we thought it was ok...but I don't think we're too keen on orange flavored desserts just in general...


Almond milk for the milk...
Vegan Egg for the egg yolk
Aqua Faba for the egg white

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 617

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Vegan Fonds Blanc

[Vegan White Stock - Vegan Veal Stock]

Julia says that these are classical stocks made with fresh ingredients. You can, of course, vary the proportions according to your pocket- book and store of leftover bones and meat scraps. These are all simmered in exactly the same way as the simple stock VEGAN FONDS DE CUISINE SIMPLE
...so you just start with a Mirepoix...carrots celery and onion...
...I left the skin on the onion...which was probably not a good idea...as the sauce wound up being darker than it should be...
...I used this Herbes de Provence blend and some garlic and bayleaf which I put in my tea ball...and some tamari for a little bit of umami...but again...I proabably should have left that out to get a 'whiter' sauce...Julia says to use the same vegetables, herbs, and seasonings as for the master recipe...
...I subbed mushrooms for the veal...and some Earth Balance...about 2 Tablespoons...
...and then you just cook that for a really long time...4 - 5 hours...
...the broth is not 'very' dark...but probably darker than it should be...
...I strained it into a large bowl to cool...
...I may have put too much 'colour' into this sauce...because Julia says...that it's used when you want to make a particularly fine white veloute sauce or soup....and I think this may be a little too dark for that...it's delicious though...and I think next time...I'll leave out the tamari and just use the mushrooms...

...but it's a really good tasting broth...


Button Mushrooms, tamari and Earth Balance for the veal

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 109

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


[Vegan Shrimp, Crab, or Lobster Quiche]

...Julia gives no introduction to this recipe at all...
...I'll be subbing Lobster Mushrooms for the Lobster...they're kind of mildly flavored...so if you want more of sea-like taste you could boil the mushrooms for a bit with some nori or other seaweed...
...just poured over some boiling water to re-hydrate those...you only need a cup...
...got out my quiche plate that was a wedding gift many...many years ago...
...it's Pfaltzgraff...and classic white...I love it a lot...
...then you need a partially cooked pastry shell...
...and in hindsight...I should have used Lovin' It Vegan's Quiche recipe again because it was so good...this was fine though...just not as fluffy and light...
...oddly...this recipe calls for a tablespoon of tomato paste...which I keep handily frozen in that amount...
...chop up some green onion or shallots...just a couple of tablespoons...
...Sauté those...
...then add your vegan lobster...and boil for a few minutes...
...add some white wine...
...allow to cool a bit...
...then add to your vegan egg mixture...
...partially bake your pie shell...
...add your vegan egg mixture...
...sprinkle some vegan cheese on top...
...and you're ready for the oven...
...bake until puffed and browned about 25-30 minutes...
...we served ours with some carrots and spinach...
...it was really good...mildly flavored...and maybe a little too dense...but it still tasted good...


I mixed up an eggy mixture using besan, soy protein, nooch, Vegex and Silk Protein...and flavored it with Kala Namak...
Lobster Mushroom for the Lobster
Daiya for the cheese

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 149-150