I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Vegan Sauce aux Fraises

[Vegan Fresh Strawberry Sauce]

...actually if you use a vegan sugar this recipe is already vegan...Julia says these fresh fruit sauces can be used with ice creams, custards and various puddings...which is exactly what we'll be using it for...
...she allows for frozen fruits which is nice in late December...she only says to thaw them first...
...so...the first thing you do is to pass them through a sieve...not as easy it looks...maybe I chose too fine of a sieve...
...then you blend them up with some sugar...Julia suggests 'instant' sugar...not sure what that is...I've never seen instant sugar...but a quick search of the interwebs tells me "Instant Sugar is a pure sucrose which, through a special agglomeration process has been made free-flowing and very quick dissolving. Instant Sugar is compressible, binds with other ingredients both in a cold or hot, and it also reduces the risk of separation in dry mixes."...

in fact there are a lot of types of sugar I've never encountered at my local grocery store..."Superfine = Ultra-fine = Extra-fine = Fine Granulated = Instant Dissolving = Bar = Berry or Fruit Sugar = Castor or Caster (England)."...we normally have two choices...granulated and powdered - which usually includes corn starch...

...anywhoo...I just used regular vegan granulated sugar...nad it worked just fine...
...then Julia says to add kirsch (which is almost always too strong of a flavor for me)...cognac or lemon juice...so I used cognac...
...and here's the finished sauce...
...it's perfectly smooth and almost creamy in consistency...and it's very VERY sweet...
...we served it over our Diplomate...for Christmas dinner...and we actually all thought we would have prefered the pudding without it...it's a really delicious sauce...it just doesn't seem to go very well with this particular custard dessert...I think it would be perfect over pancakes though...


Just the vegan sugar...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 592)

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