I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Vegan Lemon Soufflé Tart

...I made this tart for Pi(e) Day 3.14...it was a lovely fresh lemon pie...

...make a sugar crust shell...

...and bake it...

...then start the filling with some flax seed goo and sugar - don't worry about it not forming a ribbon - I just beat it until all the sugar is dissolved...

...grate some lemon...

... and add that to the 'egg' and sugar mixture...

...squeeze your lemon...

...and add some fresh lemon juice...

...Next I added about 3 teaspoons of soy protein powder - still experimenting with egg replacers...you're supposed to cook this over simmering water to avoid cooking the egg yolks - but as that was not a worry for me - I just microwaved it for a minute and it made a lovely thickish pudding - it's supposed to coat a spoon...

...next still experimenting with my fluffy egg white mixture I mixed some agar agar with water and microwaved that for a minute until thick - mixed some clear gel and Versawhip (if you've not tried this stuff you must - it's amazing) - added the agar and started whipping - it starts out like pudding as you can see here...

...then as you continue to whip it gets more voluminous and fluffy - like egg whites...lovely...

...then you just fold that into the lemony pudding...

...fold delicately so you don't lose the volume of the fluffy stuff...

...pour it into your prebaked shell...Julia says she thinks this pie is best eaten hot - so we ran ours under the broiler for a few minutes - the top will brown a little bit like a meringue - but don't leave it too long or the agar based fluff will melt...so we had ours warm with tea...but I had some cold and I think I like it better cold...so it's just up to you...I'll probably make this again and I don't think I'll cook it at all - just let the fluff set up a little bit and it'll slice just fine...You can also use lime instead of lemon - then it's Tarte Aux Limettes...

Same substitutions as before on the crust
Flax seed goo and soy protein for the egg yolks
Versawhip 600K and clear gel and agar for the egg whites

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

pp. 643-644


  1. the crust looks lovely!!! i'll have to try that.

    love, k

  2. Sounds delicious, and I love that it's vegan, because I am squeamish about undercooked eggs. :D

  3. Yummy yummy yummy!! I adore lemon tart pies and the like - sweet but a little sour. Perfect combo. :-)

    Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings, Debra
    Raw Vegan Diet
