I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vegan Gâteau de Crêpes à la Florentine

[Mound of Vegan French Pancakes Filled with Cream Cheese, Spinach and Mushrooms]

...Since we were all out of omelette recipes for our Sunday Brunch for Lunch - we found another yummy recipe to take their place...and since our grocery store had the bags of organic spinach for 99¢ again - we'll have another meal featuring spinach...

...Julia describes this one as 'an amusing entrée' which I thought was amusing...

...First you'll need to make some CRÊPES...

....and some Sauce Mornay...

...and some ÉPINARDS BLANCHIS...

...then make the cream cheese and mushroom filling...

...sauté some mushrooms and shallots for about 5-6 minutes...

...mash some Tofutti cream cheese in a bowl with some
Flax Seed Goo for the eggs...

...add some salt and pepper...

...and your mushrooms and shallots...and mix well...

...now the fun part...start layering your Crêpes in a buttered round baking dish...

...top with mushroom filling...

...then another Crêpe your spinach and creme sauce...

...then another Crêpe...

...and some more mushroom and cheese...

...finish off with your prettiest Crêpe for the top...

...sprinkle on some vegan cheese - we used Daiya mozzarella style...

...dot with Earth Balance...

...pop it in the oven for about 1/2 hour...

...and serve...we had ours with some lovely braised leeks...

...a very pretty presentation...

...cut into wedges...

...so pretty and Spring-y this meal was...

...the Crêpes were tender and perfect and the spinach and cream cheese filling was very creamy and rich...

...it was delicious...Julia suggests 24 Crêpes for this stack...we thought that was quite a bit too much for three people of normal appetite so we cut back considerably...but if I were to make this for company - I'd go all out and have a huge stack - although I don't think I'd get more than 10 or 12 in my round baking dish...

Flax Seed Goo for the eggs
Earth Balance for Butter
Tofutti Cream Cheese for the cream cheese
Daiya Mozarella for the grated cheese

See the supporting recipes for their substitutions.

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 193-194


  1. yum - it's late at night and you're making me hungry!!

    love, k

  2. That looks BEYOND delicious!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Blessings, Debra
    Raw Vegan Diet

  3. While I am not vegan, I do so enjoy a good recipe. This looks delicious as do many of the recipes on your blog. I am now a follower. Can't wait to try these.
