I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


[Vegan Salmon Soufflé]

...spoiler alert...

...another attempt at a vegan soufflé...not bad...it tasted good...but the texture was more like a muffin than a soufflé...
...Julia uses a large 6 cup souffle mould...but I'm going to use Mom's old bean pots...we actually used these when I was little and I'm trying to use the thins that I have been keeping all these years more often...
...buttered with Earth Balance...and I grated some Chao vegan cheese...
...and sprinkeld that over the EB to line the cups...
...finely mince a green onion...you only need a couple of tablespoons....
...and for the vegan salmon I'm using the Vegan Lox that I've made before from carrots...
...saute the onion...
...add some flowers...
...some tomato paste...Julia says "for colour"...
...I also added some caper brine...it adds a nice flavor to vegan fish-y things...
...some Kala Namak (black salt) for some vegan egg-y flavor...
...and this time...instead of whipping aqua faba for the egg whites...I'm going to use xanthan gum and baking powder...
...for the vegan egg yolks...I'm using besan (garbanzo bean flour)...
...add the mashed up vegan lox...
...and bake at 375° for about 35 minutes...(176° C)...
...like before while it was cooking it poufed up considerably...above the rim and looked very souffle-like...but then it sort of fell...a problem I've had before with vegan souffles...
...it tasted just fine...like a fish-y moist muffin...
...so again...not really a souffle success...but I'll keep trying...

Vegan Lox for the Salmon
Besan for the egg yolks
Xanthan gum and Baking Powder for the egg whites

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 166-167

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Vegan Civet de Mouton

[Vegan Lamb or Mutton Stew with Red Wine, Onions, Mushrooms, and Bacon]

Follow the recipe for vegan boeuf bourguignon...
...Julia has you boil some lardons...so I boiled some vegan bacon bits...
...and then you brown your vegan lamb chunks...recipe here...VEGAN GIGOT DE PRÉ-SALÉ RÔTI...
...slice a carrot and an onion...
...remove the vegan bacon and vegan lamb...
...and saute the carrot and onion in the same fat...
...return the vegan lamb and vegan bacon to the pot...season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with flour
...add the red wine...
...vegan broth...
...and tomato paste...
...crumble up a bay leaf and add some thyme...and put in the oven to cook...again Julia doesn't specify a temperature but specifies that you regulate heat so liquid simmers very slowly for 3 to 4 hours...in the original recipe...but for the vegan lamb...she specifies braising the lamb 2 hours rather than the 3 to 4 hours required for beef...for the Vegan Version...an hour will probably suffice...
...saute some mushrooms...and onion...I didn't have the pearl onions...so I just used regular onions...
...when your casserole is done...drain it in a sieve over a bowl...
...and boil the liquid down to make a sauce...
...arrange the stew in a serving dish or return it to the casserole...
...arrange the onions and mushrooms on top...
...and pour over the sauce...
...we served it with a salad and a crusty roll...
...really...really delicious...

Vegan Lamb Seitan for the lamb
Vegan broth for the broth

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 347

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


[Vegan Lamb Stew with Spring Vegetables]

Julia says this is a most delectable lamb stew with its carrots, onions, turnips, potatoes, peas, and green beans
...first...I made the simple seitan lamb VEGAN GIGOT EN CHEVREUIL...and cut it up into chunks...and Julia says to use a pot big enough to hold all your ingredients...
...the Man found these gorgeous turnips at the grocery store...
Julia says to trim your veg while the lamb is simmering...and she specifies "trim the potatoes into ovals 1/22 inches long, and cover with cold water until ready to use. Quarter the carrots and turnips, cut them into 1/2 inch lengths, and, if you have the patience, trim the edges to round them slightly"...I'm not making little ovals out of my veggies though...just chunks...
...oddly add some sugar to the browning seitan...
...add your tomato...
...tomato paste...
...and vegan beef broth...I'm using Washingtons...
...add your herbs...a bay leaf...
...garlic, rosemary and thyme...and Julia also specifies pressing the veggies in and around the seitan...I just gave everything a good stir and put it into the oven...Julia doesn't give a temperature...I used 350° F...but she does say to regulate heat so liquid simmers slowly and steadily for about an hour longer...
...after that you add your green peas...(and green beans too if you want)...
...and simmer for a few minutes...
...it certainly looks like a hearty vegan stew...a nice warm one pot meal...we just served it with homemade ww bread...
...and it was as delicious as it looks...

Vegan Lamb Seitan for the lamb
Vegan broth for the broth

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 345-347