I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


[Vegan Breast of Chicken in Chaud-froid]

...Julia says that this is "a decorative, delicious, and easy-to-execute aspic which lends itself to numerous variations"

...and this was such a fun little recipe to make too...
...see what I mean...aren't these just the CUTEST!...
...so remember the Trader Joe's Chick'n tenders...I thawed those out and peeled the breading off of them...leaving these little nekkid vegan tenders...
...and poached those in some Earth Balance...
...and took those out of the pan...and added the vegan cream...
...to which I had added some Vegeta...for some chick'n-y flavor...
...and some tarragon...
...and stirred that all together...
...and added some agar agar powder...
...and then you just cook that until it thickens up nicely...
...and then I strained the sauce/coating through a fine mesh sieve...
...and then poured it over the poached vegan tenders...
...now for the fun part...the coating starts to set up as it cools...so I took a toothpick and positioned tarragon leaves on each little tender to make a flower stem...
...and then I took a thin slice of a tomato...
...and cut out a little red flower to put atop the stem...
...and I mean...they are just too CUTE!...
...served on a bed of lettuce with a small side of wild rice...
...such a fun and springlike luncheon dish...
...and you know me and my waste not want not ways...I took the leftover sauce/coating...and put a vegan tender into a small ramekin...
...and just poured over the remaining sauce...
...and let it cool and set up...then I took a knife and ran it around the rim...
...and popped it upside down on a bed of lettuce too...
...so you could definitely do the recipe that way and not go to the fun...er...I mean trouble of decorating the tenders with flowers...haha...
...I can't really say this was a delicious meal...and I'm not sure it's really supposed to be...it's definitely light fare...and definitely pretty and fancy...

Vegan cream for the cream...I just used almond milk...
Vegan Chick'n tenders
Earth Balance for the butter
Vegeta for the chicken broth

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 551-552

1 comment:

  1. That is cute food! Glad you had fun with it. Love, K
