I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Vegan Tarte an Fromage Frais et aux Pruneaux

[Vegan Cream Cheese and Prune Tart]

...Julia says that this recipe is basically a 'quiche'...
...so I gathered some egg replacer, besan, and soy protein...a combination that I've used before for an vegan egg-y mixture...
...got out my prunes and my homemade soy cheese...
...Julia says to soak the prunes...but I did not...mine are really soft anyway...and I think I'll prefer them with a bit more 'texture'...
...some sugar and Earth Balance...and blanched almonds complete the ingredients...
...I mixed the vegan cheese and the vegan egg together...
...added just a few drops of almond extract...I find that I need to be really careful with this flavoring so that it doesn't completely overpower the dish...
...rolled out my crust...
...and ground up the blanched almonds in my old coffee grinder...
...mixed everything together and poured it into my rustic par-baked crust...
...and then I added the chopped prunes...
...it baked up perfectly...Julia says...the tart will sink slightly as it cools. It may be served hot and puffed, or warm, or cold. It may also be reheated, but will not puff again...
...it sliced perfectly too...
...I thought it was good...the Man...not so much...


Vegan Egg - I used a combination of EnerG Egg Replacer, Besan, and Soy Protein...
Vegan Butter - I used Earth Balance...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 648

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Vegan Porc Braisé avec Choucroute

[Vegan Pork Braised with Sauerkraut]

...Julia doesn't have a lot of recipes that contain sauerkraut...and for this recipe she says to use exactly the same method as for the VEGAN PORC BRAISÉ AUX CHOUX ROUGES...
...and so the first thing you do...is braise your sauerkraut...for a long long time...Julia says 3 hours...go here for how I make our homemade sauerkraut...it's super easy...but of course you'll need to do that about 3 weeks ahead of time...haha...
...and then you brown the pork...I'm using some pork seitan from the freezer...the VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ - Casserole Roasted Pork is a really good one...
...just using Earth Balance for this...
...and since the vegan pork is already...'cooked'...
...we're just looking for a little bit of carmelization...
...nicely browned on both sides...
...add the vegan pork to the half-braised sauerkraut...
...cover...and continue to braise for another 2 hours...these cooking times seem a bit extreme for vegan ingredients...
...served with vegan mashed potatoes and peas...of course...and homemade bread...
...perfectly braised...
...moist and tender vegan pork seitan...
...it was delicious...and has a definite German flavor to it...I happen to LOVE sauerkraut...but I know a lot of people don't...and as long as this has cooked I'm guessing that all of the nice probiotics are long gone...but it was super easy to make as I already had the seitan and the sauerkraut...so it was really just a matter of time...


Vegan Porc Seitan for the porc - I used leftovers from the VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ - Casserole Roasted Pork
Vegan Butter - I used Earth Balance...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 385

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


[Crêpes with Orange Butter, Flambées]

...Julia says that "Every chef has his own recipe for crêpes Suzette; of the many we have tried, we find this one especially good. Obviously if you plan to perform in public with a chafing dish, it is a good idea to practice on your family until you become adept at folding and flaming. Crêpes 4 to 5 inches inches are a convenient size..."
...so...you need two bright skinned oranges...
...we'll be juicing those...but first you want to grate just the orange part...
...and then put your sugar in the food processor...a "new" appliance to Julia...and she also gives instructions for rubbing the oranges with sugar cubes and then mashing in the orange peel...
...it's a lot of sugar...so these are going to be very very sweet...give it a whizz...
...then start adding in your vegan butter...I'm using Earth Balance...so by spoonfuls...
...until everything is all nicely creamed together...
...then add the juice from the oranges...and the orange liqueur if you're using it...I did not...
...and then you're supposed to "place the orange butter in the chafing dish and heat alcohol flame until it is bubbling."..but I don't have a chafing dish...so I got out my old-old fondue stand...
...and set a pie pan on top of that...improvisation...you know...and lit a candle underneath...Julia suggests an alcohol flame which would have been hotter...but this set up worked fine...
...and then turned out the lights...more dramatic...you know...but it's Daylight Savings Time now...arghhhh...so not too dark...
...then you dip both sides of a crêpe in the orange butter...
...Julia says to fold it...with its best-looking side out, fold it in half and in half again, to form a wedge...
...then sprinkle the crêpes with the sugar...I used powdered sugar...
...and then pour over them the cognac...avert your face and ignite the liqueur with a lighted match...not quite as dramatic as I thought it would be...but the few times that we've flambeed something (always a Julia Child recipe...haha) it has been a little bit anticlimactic...
...but they really are delicious...

Vegan Butter...we used Earth Balance...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 650-651


[Vegan Yeast Batter—for stuffed crêpes]

...the only description Julia gives for this recipe is "The addition of yeast makes a more tender and slightly thicker crêpe....which I guess you need for the rolling up...
...Julia says you need the "ingredients for the preceding crepe batter which is the VEGAN CRÊPES FINES SUCRÉES - 1 - 2 tsp fresh or dry yeast"...I used Instant yeast...
...and then you just swirl that rather thin batter around your pan...
...and cook until the top looks a little bit 'dry'...
...and flip...I like mine with a little bit of brown caramelization...but some people prefer them very light...
...so...you just make a bunch of crêpes...and set them aside...

Vegan Butter...we used Earth Balance...
Vegan eggs...Aqua Faba
Vegan Cream...we used Silk cashew cream

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p.649

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


[Vegan Fish Quenelles]

...Julia says this about Quenelles..."A quenelle, for those who are not familiar with this delicate triumph of French cooking, is pate a choux with a puree of raw fish, veal, or chicken which is formed into ovals or cylinders and poached in seasoned liquid."

...and then she goes on to give the most tedious directions for creating them...and then ends up by saying that the (then) newfangled food processor does a good job of making a smooth quenelle...and that the blender does not work...

...and then she says that fish quenelles in France are usually labeled quenelles de brochet ...but I'd never heard of them before today...ever...

...and you'll need a Cream Puff Paste VEGAN PÂTE À CHOUX...
...I went with a somewhat simpler version here...first you bring some water, salt and vegan butter to the boil...
...this time...I'm using Just Egg for the egg yolks and aqua faba for the egg whites...
...add the flour...
...I used the whisk at first...to get rid of any lumps...
...but that quickly became unmanageable...so I switched to my new spatula...and that worked perfectly...
...once you've got a nice smooth paste...off heat...beat in the vegan egg yolks...
...and then the vegan egg whites...
...have ready a big bowl of ice water...
...and set your VEGAN PÂTE in that until completely cool...
...meanwhile...I got out my mortar and pestle...and some frozen vegan fish filets...these are Gardein...
...first I peeled the breading off of the filets...
...and then I started mashing and grinding them up in the mortar and pestle...
...but Julia was right...even with the vegan filets...I could not get a perfectly smooth paste with the mortar and pestle...she says that back in the day...when these were haute cuisine...the young muscular sous chefs would do all of the laborius pounding of the fish...
...so...I got out my trusty Emmie food processor...and blended it up perfectly smooth...
...added some vegan cream...
...and formed the little quenelles on two spoons dipped in water...
...and since that's not a very good picture of that process...here's her diagram from the book...
...and dropped those into some simmering water to which I'd added a few strips of Nori...
...and you just cook them until they are puffed and roll over easily...
...and then I just lined the little quenelles up in a little au gratin dish...
...and spooned over some melted Earth Balance...
...they look so pretty...
...we had our quenelles with a baked potato...carrots and peas...they were pretty delicious...

Vegan Butter...we used Earth Balance...
Vegan eggs...we used Just Egg for the yolks and Aqua Faba for the whites
Vegan Cream...we used Silk cashew cream

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 184-187