I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


[Casserole of Creamed Carrots with Onions and Garlic]

...just from the title...I didn't think that I would like this dish...as carrots don't seem like they should be with onions and garlic...they're a sweet thing in my book...more suited to glazing...

...but Julia calls this a 'hearty' side dish and says that it can even be used as a meatless main dish...
...of course you start out with a bunch of carrots...
...peel them...and slice them into 1/4 inch pieces...my Grandma's old Veg-O-Matic makes short work of that...
...I put them in a casserole with the onions...and olive oil...

...Julia says to cook them in a covered saucepan...but this is a casserole...and I already have the oven on...so into the oven they go...
...after they've cooked a bit...add the garlic...
...and then instead of mixing the flour in with the carrots and onions...I mixed it into my cream...and I also went ahead and added the Vegan Egg now...as I want my 'eggs' fully cooked...Julia has you add them at the very end...and just stir them into the hot dish...

...oh...and of course I omitted the nutmeg...as I'm not a fan...
...baked until all the veg was tender...
...and served with rice...TVP Beef strips and peas...
...and it was a slightly sweet and savory side dish...
...I liked it a lot better than I thought I would...

Vegan beef flavored bouillon
Vegan Egg for the egg yolk
Cashew Cream for the cream and the milk

Recipe here: Scribd and then search for Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 480

1 comment:

  1. yeah, i agree, doesn't sound exactly like a dish i would have thought of on my own. interesting, though.

    love, k
