I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


[Cheese Wafers]

...I had made Galettes au Roquefort before and they were so crispy and good that I decided that we needed some more cheesy crackers for Holiday snacking...

...Julia says that these 'featherweight' wafers are generally made with swiss cheese...but you can use any cheese you like...you will just have to adjust your flour and liquid based on the type of cheese...

...and since I'm using just nooch (nutritional yeast) for my cheese - I only used a fourth the amount she used of swiss...figuring that has a lot of air in it and nooch does not...it's pretty compact...
...added all the other ingredients...using Earth Balance for the butter...and blended that all together with a pastry fork...
...and since my nooch cheese replacement has NO moisture...I added 1/4 cup of soymilk...I'm sure you could just use water...you just need something to bring the dough together...

...then Julia tells you to do a test bake of one wafer...which I did not do...my mixture looked like it would make fine crackers...
...so I rolled the dough out pretty thin between my handy-dandy pie crust helper...just a big 2 gallon ziplock bag opened up...

...at this point I went ahead and brushed the entire top of the dough with a mixture of corn starch and water...because I'd read that it was a good vegan substitute for egg wash...and also to replace oil in a salad dressing...but I've not tried that one yet...sorry I missed a photo of that part...but I did it here to the full sheet of dough because I was going to use my sweet little tessellating goldfish cookie cutter to cut out the wafers...so I didn't want to do them individually later...
...so...just cut out row after row of little goldfish...probably about 100...
...Julia says to bake them on a lightly greased cookie sheet...but I baked them on (reused) parchment paper...and she also puts a pinch of cheese on top...but since I was using nooch...I just sprinkled some course kosher salt on top...
...they turned out perfectly...light and crispy...and cheesy...I was worried about the pepper...but the hint of heat is a nice one...

...they'll be perfect for some Thanksgiving snacking...


Earth Balance for the butter
just plain old dry nutritional yeast and soymilk for the swiss cheese...about 1/2 cup of nooch and 1/4 cup soymilk...
for the egg wash...I used 1 tsp of cornstarch in 1 cup of water...just cook together...it sounds unlikely...but it works perfectly...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 197

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