I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


[Vegan Chicken Liver Mousse]

....Julia says this "mousse may be packed into a decorative jar and used as a spread for cocktail appetizers"...so that's what we did with it...
...like I've done before when I've needed to create a vegan liver...I used a combination of walnuts, lentils, mushrooms and marmite...
...and just cooked that all together...
...until done and soft enough to blend...
...then you sauté some onions...
...and add some Madeira or cognac...but I only had some white wine...so I used that instead...
...and then you boil that down rapidly until it's reduced to about 3 tablespoons...
...and then for the cream I used almond milk mixed with just a little bit of flour...
...so instead of adding that directly to the blender jar...I cooked it a bit first...
...then I put everything into the blender jar...salt, pepper, allspice and thyme...I thought the allspice was a bit odd...she only called for 1/8 teaspoon and I didn't but in even that much...just a shake...
...and blended it with the stick blender...
...until it was pretty smooth...
...and poured it into a bowl...not really a decorative one though...
...covered with waxed paper and in the fridge to chill...
...it was cool...but not really set when we took it out...
...but it was still perfect for spreading on toast...
...it was really good...a nice flavorful spread...


Vegan liver - a combination of walnuts, lentils, mushrooms and marmite
Vegan Cream - we used homemade almond milk with a little bit of flour - cooked until thick like cream
Vegan butter...we used Earth Balance

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 559-560

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


[Vegan Braised Rice and Onions]

Julia says 'This is a savory mixture of sliced onions, rice, and butter cooked slowly together until they melt into a puree. The natural moisture of the onions is sufficient to cook the rice; no other liquid is needed.'
...you start by cooking your rice in a lot of boiling water for exactly 5 minutes...Julia says...
...then you slice a bunch of onions...
...get some vegan butter foaming in your casserole dish...then add your sliced onions...
...stir to coat with the butter...
...then drain your partially cooked rice...
...and add it to the onions...
...cover and put it into a 300° F oven (148° C)...I'm still using my toaster oven on the porch to keep from heating up the kitchen...
...it cooks for an hour without any added liquid...but you should stir it several times...
...Julia says it will usually turn a light golden yellow colour...
...she also says you can make it ahead to this point and then finish it later...right before serving add some vegan cream, cheese and butter...so we added some almond cream...
...and some Earth Balance...
...and some Violife Aged Cheddar...
...shaped it into a little ball...
...it was really delicious...I'd make it again...


Vegan Cream - we used homemade almond cream
Vegan Swiss Cheese - we used Violife Aged Cheddar
Vegan butter...we used Earth Balance

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 485

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Vegan Jambon Farci et Braisé

[Vegan Braised Ham with Mushroom Stuffing]

...Julia says this about this dish..."A fine dish for an important dinner is ham sliced into serving pieces, reconstructed with a stuffing between each slice, then braised in Madeira.
For 12 to 14 people

...so since I don't need to server 12-14 people...I'll just be making the slices...but Julia actually cooks a huge chunk of dead animal for this...if you want to replicate that and serve a bunch of people I'd suggest Tracy's Vegan Ham Seitan...her blog no loner exists...but I have a copy of the recipe...
...shape it and bake it...then cut slices from the top half...hollow out the bottom half and stuff it with the stuffing...
...so just shape it into slices to begin with like I did...
...then mince some mushrooms and sauté them with some green onions...
...add some Madeira and boil rapidly until the liquid is almost gone...
...remove to a mixing bowl...
...then I blended up a vegan foie gras...I used most of the ingredients from the VEGAN FOIE DE VEAU...except I used lentils instead of tofu...which I think actually worked better...
6 oz of cooked green lentils
¾ cup red wine
2 Tbsp chopped black walnuts
2 tsp chopped black olives
3 Tbsp nutritional yeast
2 ½ Tbsp vegan chicken bouillon
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp salt
...it may be a little too wet...
...mixed that in with the mushrooms...
...and then stuffed the ham seitan slices...
...and rolled them up...and secured them with a toothpick...and then you braise it with more Madeira for about 1/2 hour...(the recipe says 2 1/2...but these are just thin slices...already cooked...adjust your time accordingly if you're making the whole ham seitan...
...served with Fonio (cooked in veg stock) and steamed broccoli and a salad...
...oh...I forgot to mention that I did not include the optional truffles...as I've learned from experience with several of Julia's recipes that I do not like truffles...or their 'juice'...so you can add them if you like them...but I don't think they would have improved this dish...and I thought it was just an odd combination of flavors...I guess my 'idea' of a ham dinner just doesn't stretch to Madeira flavored mushrooms...it was OK...


Tracy's Ham Seitan as listed above
the subs from the VEGAN FOIE DE VEAU
Vegan butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 394-395