I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


[Vegan Sweetbreads Sautéed in Butter]

...Julia says...These are done exactly like brains sauteed in butter...recipe here...VEGAN CERVELLES AU BEURRE NOIR
...so after marinating in lemon and herbs...drain and dredge the cutlets in flour...
...then sauté in vegan butter...we used Earth Balance...
...then make the VEGAN BEURRE NOIR - BEURRE NOISETTE - [Brown Butter Sauce]...
...then Julia says...Arrange on a hot platter...
...and...pour the hot butter sauce over them, and serve...
...we served ours with 'dressing'...you know the southern Thanksgiving kind...I just thought it sounded good...and mixed veg...
...and it was really good...
...as practically anything covered in brown butter sauce would be...


Seitan for the sweetbreads
vegan butter for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 413

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Vegan Ris de Veau au Gratin

[Vegan Sweetbreads au Gratin]

...Julia just says to use the ingredients for the braised sweetbreads on page 409 and any of the preceding sauces...and pretty much anything "au gratin" is going to be good...
...so with the seitan vegan sweetbreads already made...I just made a cream sauce...
...and put everything into a gratin dish and topped with vegan cheese...
...served with rice and Griddler-ed broccoli...I think I mentioned before that Julia said rice was the proper accompaniment...
...lightly browned on top...
...and really creamy and delicious...


Seitan for the sweetbreads
vegan cashew cream for the cream...
vegan butter for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 413

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Vegan Ris de Veau à la Crème et aux Champignons

[Vegan Creamed Sweetbreads with Mushrooms]

...I'm just trucking through all of the vegan (seitan) sweetbreads recipe while I've got them already prepared in the freezer...

Julia says you need the "Ingredients for the preceding creamed sweetbreads" Vegan Ris de Veau à la Crème/Vegan Ris de Veau à la Maréchale...so this is basically just that recipe with the addition of mushrooms...
...make your cream sauce first...
...and add the sauteed mushrooms...
...then add your VEGAN RIS DE VEAU BRAISÉS...
...and really practically anything covered in this rich creamy mushroom-y sauce would be delicious...
...we served with some vegan stuffing and lima beans...


Seitan for the sweetbreads
vegan cashew cream for the cream...
vegan butter for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 412