I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Vegan Céleri à la Grecque

[Vegan Celery à la Grecque]

...I don't know about y'all...but I don't generally think of celery as a 'cooked' vegetable...I mean...we often use celery as a cooked flavoring ingredient...like as part of mirapoix...and I have made Julia's VEGAN CÉLERIS BRAISÉS...and it was good...it was served warm...and this recipe is for cold cooked celery...so I'm a little bit unsure of it...
...Julia says to "Buy bunches labeled “celery hearts.” Remove any tough outside stalks...
...Cut off the tops of the bunches to just below the main body of leaves. Halve or quarter the bunches lengthwise, wash thoroughly under running water...
...and arrange them in a baking dish...
...and then you need to make the Vegan Court Bouillon...
...and pour that over the celery...
...cover and bake for 30 to 40 minutes...
...and then chill before serving...

...I've tasted the broth and a bite of the celery and it's good and flavorful...but we've not actually eaten this dish with a meal yet...I'll come back and let you know...😉
...OK...I'm back...and we had Julia's chilled Vegan Céleri à la Grecque...on the side with our Spicy Masala...which was a nice cool down for this spicy meal...



Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 538)

1 comment:

  1. I've never done this! So.... i guess i'll have to experiment! Thank you!
