I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Vegan Rôti de Porc aux Navets

[Casserole-roasted Pork with Turnips]

...Julia says...Turnips are wonderful when cooked in [vegan] pork juices.
...so I got some turnips...
...peeled and quartered...
...then you parboil them...not sure why exactly...as there's plenty of time in the oven...haha...
...arrange them around your vegan roast porc...Julia says to add them to the casserole for the last hour of cooking...
...cover and back in the oven for an hour...
...it certainly smells delicious...
...I sautéed some green beans to go with...
...and it was a perfectly delicious roast dinner...


...so you'll need the VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ

...recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 383...

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