I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


[Vegan Glazed Turnips]

...Julia says these are usually served as a garnish...but may be served as a 'separate vegetable'...so that's what we did...
...it's definitely turnip season...these turnips are so crisp and fresh...
...peeled and blanched for 5 minutes in salted water...
...then you drain them and dry them...
...and prepare a skillet with some vegan butter...
...and arrange the drained turnips in the butter...
...and brown them lightly...
...they look so pretty...I've never had turnips cooked this way before...
...pour some bouillon over...
...Julia says to add the sugar and vegan butter separately...but I mixed the sugar and vegan butter in with the bouillon and poured that over the browned turnips...
...then you cover and boil slowly until the turnips are tender but still hold their shape...about 20-30 minutes Julia says...
...chop some parsley...
...and the liquid will reduce down to a syrup-y glaze...
...then sprinkle the parsley over...
...and we served our turnips separately...
...with grilled tofu, rice and an orange/pecan salad...
...the turnips were delicious cooked this way...I'll definitely do this again...I love turnips...


Earth Balance for Butter
Vegan bouillon

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 488

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


[Vegan Leek Quiche]

Oddly Julia does not give any opening remarks to this recipe...
...so...you'll need some leeks...
...slice...and wash well...to make sure you get all the sandy bits off...
...add them to a saucepan with some salt...and vegan butter and boil gently for 20-30 minutes...
...meanwhile...for the vegan egg filling...I used Lovin' It Vegan's Quiche recipe...starting with firm tofu and cornstarch...
...nutritional yeast...I didn't add any other 'cheese'...
...when the leeks boil...turn them down to a simmer...and let them cook until most of the liquid is evaporated...
...salt...onion and garlic powder...this is the only thing I would change...I would not add this salt as it was a little bit too salty for my taste...
...and you need the black salt (kala namak) for the egg-y flavor...
...vegan milk...I used homemade almond milk...but any vegan milk would do...
...olive oil...
...blend until smooth...
...you will need to make a crust...I used the VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...
...the leeks should be done...
...roll out your crust...I use my handy-dandy pie crust helper...
...this quiche plate was a wedding gift...I still love it...it's white...and simple design...and it's the perfect size...

...Ok fam...do y'all remember what Chantal bought at the little Mill Pond on Hwy 280 as a souvenir...that's right...a handmade quiche plate to take back to France for her Maman...
...just the right size...
...I'm not going to trim the edges as I like this sort of look 'rustique'...
...par-baked and ready for the filling...
...mix your leeks into your vegan egg mixture...and fill the crust...
...Julia says to top with Swiss cheese...but I'd already included nooch in the filling so I did not...
...I added my little crust protectors because it will be in the oven for a while and I don't want the edges to get too brown...
...you could also just cover the edges with foil...
...it baked up perfectly...
...we served the Vegan Flamiche with spinach and a salad...
...it was just a little bit too salty...but otherwise delicious...and I'll definitely make it again...the texture was perfect...


Lovin' It Vegan's Quiche recipe...with subs for the vegan eggs and cheese
...and Country Crock Plant Based Almond for the butter...in the leeks and the crust...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 151-152)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Vegan Pain de Veau

[Vegan Veal Loaf]

...this is a long and involved recipe...because you make the VEGAN FRICADELLES DE VEAU Á LA NIÇOISE...except instead of forming it into patties...you cook it in a loaf pan...so it's basically a vegan meatloaf...
...so I mixed that all up...and packed it into a loaf pan...lined with parchment...
...topped it with some eggplant bacon...and baked it for about an hour and a half...
...Julia says it's done when it has shrunk slightly from the sides of the mold...
...unwrapped...it held it's shape nicely...
...we served with with mashed potatoes and gravy...and peas...of course...because that's what goes with vegan meatloaf...right?...
...texture is perfect...so is the taste...
...I topped it with ketchup...Heinz...of course...
...because that's how we always ate meatloaf growing up...

Substitutions...a lot...

Lentils for the veal
Walnuts for the pork
Aqua Faba for the egg
Almond milk for the milk
Vegan bouillon for the stock
...and Earth Balance for the butter...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 375)