I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Vegan Fricadelle de Veau Mentonnaise

[Veal Patties with Tuna and Anchovies]

...we made a variation of the VEGAN FRICADELLES DE VEAU Á LA NIÇOISE

...you just make the master recipe and beat the vegan tuna and capers (sub for the anchovies) into it...
...I 'found' this can of vegan tuna in the cupboard...and remembered that I didn't like it very well...just as tuna I mean...I much prefer to make my tuna salad with chickpeas and dulse...so it was languishing there...and I thought this would be a good way to use it up...
...just mash up the tuna...
...and add that...to the lentil mixture...
...add the capers...
...and form and brown the patties...we used a mixture of vegan butter and oil...

...I just made the patties...and we changed our minds about dinner so we didn't actually plate and eat them...but since they are reminiscent of the salmon patties my Mom used to make with canned salmon...we'll probably have them with mashed potatoes, green beans and ketchup...

...if you like them more like vegan 'fish' patties you could make the Vegan Tartar Sauce to go with them too...but we always had them with ketchup...


Lentils for the veal
Walnuts for the pork
Aqua Faba for the egg
Almond milk for the milk
Vegan bouillon for the stock
...and Earth Balance for the butter...
Vegan Tuna for the Tuna
Capers for the Anchovies

Mastering The Art Of French Cooking (p. 375)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Vegan Canard Braisé avec Choucroute, à la Badoise

[Vegan Duck Braised in Sauerkraut]

...this is exactly the same recipe as the Vegan Canard Braisé aux Choux Rouge...just with sauerkraut instead of red cabbage...

...I used my homemade sauerkraut...and I used the last can of Companion Vegan Duck from my cupboard...
...it turned out just like I expected...it just takes a long time...but it's pretty hands-off...just time...
...we had our duck and sauerkraut with some potatoes and frozen peas...
...it was a nice dinner...


...Vegan Duck...(you could sub, baked tofu or seitan instead if you wanted - the duck might be hard to find....I used Companion brand vegan duck and I got it at an Asian grocery)...
Vegan butter - I used Earth Balance.

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 280 - 281)