I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Vegan Glaçage à la Crème ou au Chocolat

[Vegan Butter Cream or Chocolate Icing]

...this recipe references the VEGAN CRÈME AU BEURRE, MÉNAGÈRE...that we've already done...
...softened Earth Balance...between the cake and the icing...you'll need almost a whole container...haha...
...powdered sugar...I added a couple of tablespoons of almond milk instead of egg...
...and mixed until it was nice and creamy...about 5 minutes...Julia says you can flavor it with kirsch, rum, orange liqueur, or strong coffee...or vanilla or 2 ounces of melted semisweet baking chocolate...which is what I used...
...I played around a bit with my almonds for the decoration...
...added the melted chocolate...
...and stirred that in...
...and again...it's not as dark as you would think...I did use Baker's chocolate which is not as dark as some other baking chocolate...it still tastes plenty chocolate-y...
...and started spreading the icing on the completely cooled cake...
...it's a little bit stiff...if yours is too stiff you can add a little bit more almond milk...
...then Julia says to press a design of almonds all over the icing...
...and since it's for a 21st Birthday Party...I added a 21 in the center in almonds...
...and a circle around the edge...I think it's really pretty...and I'm sure the Airman's Wife will love it...


Vegan Butter for the Butter
2 Tbs almond milk for each egg... Vegan baking chocolate...

...recipe at Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 671)


[Vegan Chocolate and Almond Cake]

...I wanted to make a really special cake for The Airman's Wife's Birthday...

...Julia says this is an extremely good chocolate cake...baked so that it's center remains slightly underdone...covered with chocolate butter-icing and decorated with almonds...

...so that sounded perfect...and it only makes an 8 inch cake which is perfect for our small party...
...start off by buttering and flouring the cake pan...
...then break up 4 oz. of semi-sweet chocolate...I used Baker's...
...and add 2 T. of rum or coffee...I chose rum...
...and set that in a larger pan of almost simmering water...and let it melt...
...since I will need my mixing bowl for the batter...I went ahead and whipped my aqua faba...
...added sugar and a pinch of salt...and whipped to soft peaks...then I put it on a plate and set it aside for later...
...cream together the butter (Earth Balance) and sugar...
...and then add your egg-replacer...
...then you blend in the melted chocolate mixture...Julia says that we add things in this order because the chocolate and the almonds make the batter too stiff to fold in the egg whites...
...and you'll need 1/3 cup of pulverized almonds...I ground mine in my old coffee grinder...
...this batter is so creamy...
...and delicious...
...I thought it would be darker...but it's still delicious...
...add the almond extract...
...and fold in the aqua faba...
...turn the batter into the cake pan, pushing the patter up to the rim with a rubber spatula...
...bake in the middle of a preheated oven for about 25 minutes...Cake is done when it has puffed and 2 1/2 to 3 inches around the circumference are set so that a needle plunged into that area comes out clean; but the center should move slightly if the pan is shake and a needle comes out oily...

...I was amazed at how high this cake rose...and I took it out while the center was still slightly jiggly...maybe a little longer than 25 minutes...I didn't want a huge lava cake...haha...
...let it cool 10 minutes in the pan...
...and then a couple of hours on the rack...Julia says it must be thoroughly cool to ice...


Vegan Butter - we used Earth Balance

EnerG Egg replacer...for the Vegan Egg
Aqua Faba for the egg whites...

...recipe at Mastering the Art of French Cooking....(pp. 677-679)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


[Oeufs Brouillées]

...this is one of those odd recipes that has the title in English and the subtitle in French...but Julia describes the French scrambled eggs and barely able to hold their shape...and custard-like and creamy...which doesn't really sound all that good to me...even when I ate scrambled eggs, I ate them well done...

...and I was surprised that I had not already done this recipe as well...
...so I gathered some ingredients to make vegan scramble-able eggs...tofu, besan, nutritional yeast and vegan chicken brouillon...
...and added a couple more not so typical ones...Kala Namak (sulphur-y tasting salt), and tapioca starch for a little bit of gumminess...and blended that all up in the food processor...
...melted some vegan butter...
...and poured in the vegan egg mixture...
...Julia says that the creaminess of French eggs comes from stirring the eggs over gentle heat until they slowly thicken...so that's what I'm trying to do as well...
...and there you have it...creamy and thick vegan eggs...pretty simple to execute...but it does take a while...


Vegan Butter - we used Earth Balance

...for the Vegan Egg

1 box silken tofu
1/4 cup almond milk
3 T Besan powder
2 T nutritional yeast
1 t tapioca starch
1/2 t Kala Namak
1 t Vegan Chicken broth powder

blend together

...recipe at Mastering the Art of French Cooking....(p. 125)