I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Thursday, October 18, 2012


[Pineapple Custard, Unmolded - a cold dessert]
...but literally Flan of the Isles...pretty non?...
...you start by draining canned crushed pineapple...this sort of surprised me as Julia rarely uses anything from a can...
...and you boil the pineapple juice for 5 minutes...and then add the pineapple back to it...and boil it some more...
...beat some flour and lemon juice together...I added Flax Seed Goo and almond milk to mine and increased the flour to 2 Tablespoons...
...pour the hot syrup into the flour/lemon/flax seed goo - this isn't really necessary...but I'm following the recipe...
...pour the hot custard into your prepared caramel lined mold...set it into a deep saucepan of water and keep it at a simmer for about an hour and a half...
...the custard is done when it begins to pull away from the sides...refrigerate for 3-4 hours...
...put a plate upside down over the mold...
...and invert...
...the pretty little flan will pop right out...
...Julia suggests serving it with Creme Anglaise and kirsch...but we did not...it was so pretty just as it was...
...it was perfectly molded...
...and it served perfectly...
...and looked just like flan should look...
...doesn't that look just about perfect?...
...and...it was perfectly delicious...

Substitutions: just Flax Seed Goo for the eggs...

...I was surprised that there's no milk or cream in there...so I added a little bit of almond milk to make it extra creamy...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

pp. 631-632


  1. this looks so nice. i hope to try it some day ;-)

  2. Neeeeat! I feel like most vegan flans I've seen rely on agar, so it's really exciting to see one without it. Also I sometimes impulse buy canned pineapple and then can't figure out what on earth to do with it.

    Those flans are so pretty.

  3. What an interesting process. This looks lovely!

  4. Oh wow, this looks beautiful! Now I could go for some of that! ;)

  5. I love flan and think I would love pineapple flan even more. Thanks for posting!
