I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Monday, March 19, 2012

Vegan Tartelettes

...I needed an appetizer to take to a Church gathering...so of course I consulted MtAoFC first...and I found these little Tartelettes with different fillings in the Entrées and Luncheon Dishes section...

...so I just made a VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...

...and cut it into little fluted rounds...

...then instead of following Julia's instructions to place the rounds in the cups and fill with paper and beans to weight them down...I formed them over the bottoms of my mini muffin tin...clever eh?...

...much easier and you get the perfect cute little crisp shallow cups...

Substitutions: Willow Run for Butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 200


  1. i'm going to have to remember to do that "bottom of the muffin pan" trick sometime! that is so cool!

  2. Very clever and easier to boot!

  3. The muffin tin idea is great! I recently saw an idea for using the space on the bottom to toast soft corn taco shells. I never realized that it had so many uses!

  4. Just remembered that it was Rose's blog where I got the idea for the taco shells ;) Here's the link if you're interested: http://flyawayvegan.blogspot.com/2012/01/homemade-taco-shells-walnut-filling-and.html
