I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 543/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Monday, May 24, 2010


[Orange Spongecake]

Scout suggested that we weren't making nearly enough desserts for this project...

...so we made this lovely orange cake...

...delicious and very, very rich...

...so we buttered (with Earth Balance) a pan and got cooking...

...using an organic orange...

...we grated the rind of one orange...

...it smelled so good...

...this is sugar and 'egg yolks' - really Ener-G egg replacer...

...you add the orange juice...

...and cake flour...

...sifted of course...

...mix that all up - and it looks like cake batter...but...

...then you have to mix in your 'egg whites'...and for this, I thought I'd try using Soy Isolate Powder - I read on some blog that I can't find now that you could use this powder to make meringues - so I got some just to give it a try...this is what it looks like whipped - not really impressive - but they said it wouldn't loose it's volume while cooking...so we'll give it a try...

...fold that in...

...pour into the prepared pan...and bake...

...It came out lovely - and then as it cooled it fell in the middle just a bit...

...on to the filling now...

Click here for recipe.

EnerG egg replacer for egg yolk
Soy Isolate Powder for egg white


  1. It looks so very good - I love oranges my fave fruit.

  2. Wow! This looks impressive and delicious. I could practically smell the orange peel as I read the blog and drooled over the pictures. :)

  3. Mmmm! Three oranges sound perfect. (I always modify my citrus recipes by adding extra zest.) Your pictures make my mouth water.

  4. wow, i just read all the past few posts. the eggs were just down-right amazing!!

    love, k

  5. I made a good recipe this evening. Aubergines, simmered rather than fried, layered with cheese, topped with a simple onion/garlic/tomato sauce. Layer of auberginer, layer of cheese, layer of aubergine, sauce, quite a lot of basil leaves and a sprinkle of cheese.

    I know you have vegan 'cheese', so it is doable. I am using potatoes next time as aubergines are expensive here!

    We passed an old allotment site this evening with a massive rhubarb plant. I (well Ian) got 800 grammes and I am going to make chutney with it tomorrow. That sounds good, we love chutney here - especially the 'older' generation!

    Thank you for your very kind post.
