I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Monday, April 26, 2010


[Rice or Potato and Beet Salad]

North Dakotans like to get outside as soon as possible in the spring - so we were going to a little picnic potluck at the lake...

...things are beginning to turn green and it was almost 60 degrees and sunny - really a gorgeous spring day...

...I was supposed to bring a salad and I wanted to make something just a little bit different - so I starting looking through Julia's recipes for 'Composed Salads' and found this one with beets - which I happened to have on hand...

...as is often the case with Julia 'though - you often wind up needing at least a couple of other recipes first...

...first you have to make your rice...

...chop your beets...

...add your vinaigrette...

...add your rice and let that marinate overnight - the rice will turn pink...

...then make some mayonnaise...and turn it into Mayonnaise aux Fines Herbes...

...and add that to the beet/vinaigrette/rice mixture...

...garnish with some watercress...

...pop your pretty lid on your pretty glass dish and you're ready to go...

Vegan Mayonnaise aux Fines Herbes

[Mayonnaise with Green Herbs]

All you have to do to turn Mayonnaise into Mayonnaise aux Fines Herbes is add some "fines herbes"...

...I did not have fresh versions of any of the herbs Julia listed - so I just used dried herbs - I knew they would be soaking in the mayonnaise overnight and have plenty of time to develop their flavour and impart it to the sauce...

...it makes a lovely looking herbed mayonnaise...

Dried herbs for fresh



Would you believe I've never made Mayonnaise from scratch - with a whisk - well I had not ever...

...the first thing I had to do was come up with a vegan alternative for the egg yolks - that was easy enough - I just mixed up some EnerG Egg Replacer...

...added my vinegar...

...dry mustard...

...and as an additional emulsifier - I added about 1/16 teaspoon of Xanthan Gum - and whisked that all together...

...I used all of Julia's proportions for ingredients other than the eggs...

...you'll want to rest your bowl someway that it won't slip and you won't need any hands to hold it - I put mine in a towel lined sieve and it worked perfectly...

...then you just start whisking in your oil by droplets...

...and keep whisking the entire time - until it's very smooth and creamy and all of the oil is incorporated...

...it really wasn't difficult at all and it came together beautifully...

...I had a little bit on my seitan ham sandwich at the picnic - it was quite good, but next time - I think I'll use a lighter oil - I'm just not that fond of the olive oil taste in Mayonnaise (I know a lot of people love it) - but I think I'll mix it half and half with something like canola...

...This really was not difficult at all - it sort of left me wondering what all the fuss was about Mayonnaise...
Recipe Link here
EnerG Egg replacer and a little bit of Xanthan Gum for the egg yolks


[Steamed Rice]

I was surprised that Julia's method for making rice was pretty much exactly like mine...

...measure your water...

...measure your rice - the ratio is two to one...

...add some salt...

...bring to a boil and give it one good stir - then reduce heat to a simmer...

...set a timer for 12 minutes...

...fork up a few grains - it should be al dente - remove from heat and replace cover to let the rice finish cooking...

...that's it and it's perfect every time...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Artichokes are still plentiful in the grocery store - so I thought I'd whip up another recipe...

...and several hours later - I had another delicious and beautiful dish...

...first you sauté some onions...

...make your little bouquet garnis - I put mine in my tea ball...

...add some garlic...

Then halve the ARTICHAUTS AU NATUREL (detailed instructions of the preparation of the artichokes up to this point are in the link)...

...and remove the chokes...

...nasty old chokes...

...arrange in a baking dish and add wine, wine vinegar, and vegan bouillon...

...cover with parchment (Julia says waxed paper - but I prefer the parchment)...

...bake for about 1 1/2 hours - if you thought you were done at this point - you could be - the dish can be served as is...

...or it can be further embellished with tomatoes and potatoes...

...chop some tomato and sauté some potatoes...

...arrange two halves on a baking dish and sprinkle with the tomatoes and potatoes and bake until the tomato is cooked...

...Julia suggests that 'As they are rather messy to eat with the fingers, guests should be furnished with a spoon as well as a knife and fork, so the flesh may be scraped off the artichoke leaves'...

only the vegan bouillon for the stock...

Monday, April 5, 2010


[Sautéed Ham Slices - Cream and Madeira Sauce]

I've posted about this ham seitan before...It's Tracy's recipe and it's at the bottom of her post...

You just mix your dry ingredients with your wet ingredients...

form it into a loaf, wrap it in parchment and bake it in an upright tin can...

...it comes out looking like this...

...slice off some pieces...

...and brown lightly on each side in hot vegan butter and oil - and set aside...

...add some finely minced shallots to the oil - and cook slowly without browning for 2-3 minutes...

...stir in some flour...

...heat your port to a simmer...

...and add to the flour mixture...

...do the same with some vegan bouillon...

...then add a couple of Tablespoons of cognac...

...bring sauce to a simmer...

and add some vegan cream...

...et voilà - the sauce is finished...

This is the first time that I haven't followed Julia's advice about the side dishes - but we had fresh asparagus and I wanted to try that with the Hollandaise sauce - and you have to have Nanny's sweet potatoes when you have (vegan) ham...

...It was a lovely meal and when we make it again (oh yes - we'll be making this delicious sauce again) I'll follow Julia's advice and make the creamed spinach with it...

Happy Easter...

Recipe here:

Seitan for the ham
Soymilk mixed with 2 Tablespoons of powdered soymilk for the cream
Vegan Beef Bouillon for the Brown Stock