I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Monday, January 31, 2011


[Almond Cream with Raspberries or Strawberries] ...The Master recipe actually calls for Strawberries...but I didn't have any and I do have plenty of Raspberries...so Raspberries it is... ...and first you'll need to make some Ladyfingers... ...Use 1/2 pound of softened vegan margarine...A LOT! ...add some sugar...and cream together... ...add some orange liqueur - you're supposed to add 1/2 cup (A Lot!) - but I only had this little mini-bottle - so that's how much I added... ...add some almond extract... ...now for the expensive part...the vegan whipped cream... ...I used 6 cans of coconut milk to get enough whipped cream...I'm sure a can of SoyaToo would have been cheaper - but I didn't have any (and the health food store is 90 miles away)...but this stuff is so good - I could have licked the whole bowl clean... ...add some pulverized almonds - I used whole organic almonds that I ground up in the coffee grinder - so my cream may be a little darker than if you used blanched almonds... ...fold in your whipped cream... ...and you're done...I was kind of surprised that there was no cooking involved... ...assemble your ingredients...if you're using frozen fruit like I am...Julia says to make sure it's well drained... ...put a layer of fluffy cream on top of the Ladyfingers... ...top that with a layer of fruit... ...and a layer of Ladyfingers - I used my trimmings and leftovers... ...then cream...fruit...and Ladyfingers again... ...top with the final third of the cream... ...cover with a sheet of waxed paper... ...set a plate on top... ...and refrigerate overnight...the next morning...it should have firmed up considerably... ...peel off the waxed paper... ...run a knife around the edge... ...invert your serving platter and unmold... ...peel the waxed paper off the bottom...now top... ...and you're done... ...isn't it pretty... ...I was amazed that it held it's shape... ...and it was truy delicious...and definitely NOT diet food... Substitutions: Vegan Margarine for Butter - I used Willow Run Vegan Whipped Cream from coconut milk - or SoyaToo Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 605-607