I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Vegan Choux de Bruxelles à la Mornay, Gratinés

[Vegan Brussels Sprouts Gratineed with Cheese Sauce]

...Julia says to serve these with roast chicken or veal, or as a luncheon or supper dish...
...I think this is the very last Brussels Sprouts recipe...which is kind of satisfying and kind of sad...because I do love Brussels Sprouts...

..this is the spreadsheet that I'm using to keep track of which recipes I've done...and I also tick up the count on the header with each post...there are a lot of recipes...and I'm right now 3/4 of the way through them...

...so...first you need to braise some Brussels Sprouts...VEGAN CHOUX DE BRUXELLES ÉTUVÉES AU BEURRE
...arrange the Brussels sprouts over some Vegan Sauce Mornay...and then spoon the rest of the sauce over them...
...I chopped up some of my homemade Swiss Cheese...
...and sprinkled that on top...
...and then you just set it under a moderately hot broiler for 2 to 3 minutes to brown lightly...
...we served it with some vegan roast chicken...per Julia's suggestion...
...and it was delicious...creamy and cheezey...


Vegan Butter and Vegan Cheese...
...and all the subs for the Vegan Sauce Mornay.......

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 453

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Vegan Frittons/Grattons

[Vegan Goose Cracklings]

...Julia says that these cracklings can be pounded in a mortar and covered in goose fat and used as a spread...which sounds pretty yucky to me...haha...we're just going to eat ours as a snack...
...I'm using rice paper for the 'cracklings'...and a deep fryer...but I'm sure you can do this just in a pot of hot oil...
...I just broke the rice paper into bite-sized little pieces...
...then for the 'goose' flavoring...I'm using some vegan chicken powder...some mushroom powder...and a little bit of marmite...
...and then I went ahead and put that into a little sieve...because I want it to be ready to sprinkle over the grattons as soon as they come out of the fryer...
...I just ground all that up together in my mortar and pestle...
...because...the frying takes about 2 seconds...
...and you get these crispy little poufs...
...so I sprinkled the flavoring over the top while they were still hot...
...and they are yummy little crispy treats...
...just to eat out of hand as a snack...
...these were really good...I've never made fried rice paper poufs like this before...but you could definitely flavor them up any way you want...



Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 282