I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Vegan Sauce Duxelles

[Vegan Brown Mushroom Sauce]

Julia only says that this sauce is "for broiled or sautéed chicken, veal, rabbit, or for egg dishes, hot meat leftovers, or pastas"

...and I think this would be a really good sauce to mix with some vegan cream to make a sort of vegan stroganoff...
...finely chop some mushrooms...and saute them with some onions
...then make a VEGAN SAUCE BRUN
...add a little bit of wine...and tomato sauce...and the mushrooms...


Vegan Butter for the Butter
Better than Boullion for the stock...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 74)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


[Vegan Apples Braised in Butter, Orange Sauce—a hot or cold dessert]

...with our oven working again...I wanted to make this baked apple dish for dessert...

...just a few simple ingredients...
...and the funny thing is...when I went shopping...I thought I was making an orange sauce...and I'd need lots of oranges...haha...NOT...you only need ONE orange...or a couple if you're making 6 apples per the recipe...
...and since I was only making 3...not 6 apples...I thought I'd bake them in the little individual ramekins...but in the end I needn't have bothered...because you serve them on a canape
...butter the little dishes with Earth Balance...
...sprinkle with sugar...
...pop your peeled and cored apple in and top with more sugar...if you're making six of these...you put them close together all in one dish...
...add some white wine...
...and some cognac...
...Julia says to cover with some buttered waxed paper...but I used buttered aluminum foil instead...
...wrapped up each ramekin...
...while the apples are baking peel your orange...
...Julia specifies strips 2 inches long and ⅛ inch wide...
...make some Vegan Canapés...I cut them into cute little flowers...using these old Tupperware cookie cutters Mom gave me when I was first married...
...simmer your orange strips...
...then rinse in cold water...
...and dry...
...when the apples are done...
...pour the apple cooking liquid into a saucepan...and drain the apples...
...add some red currant jelly and some cognac...
...and boil down quickly over high heat until thick enough to coat a spoon lightly...
...place a drained apple on each canapé...
...and spoon over the sauce...
...it makes a pretty dessert...
...and the whole house smelled lovely...
...of apples and oranges...
...Julia suggests serving with heavy cream...
...not sure what's up with the colour on this photo...it would have been a pretty picture with the cream pouring out like that...haha...
...such simple ingredients...it really is quite elegant and delicious...Julia says to serve them hot, warm, or cold, and pass the cream or sauce separately...we had ours warm...


Vegan Butter for the Butter
Vegan cream for the cream...or Julia says you could make VEGAN CRÈME ANGLAISE

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 661)