I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Vegan Tarte aux Pommes

[Apple Tart - warm or cold]

...we were having company for dinner...and I thought that a traditional French Apple Pie would be just the thing for dessert...

...I actually had this same tart when I was in Paris many years ago...it consists (Julia says) "of a well flavored applesauce spread over a partially cooked pastry shell...over which you place thinly sliced apples in a design of overlapping circles..."
...you start with the Vegan Pâte Brisée Sucrée [Vegan Sweet Short Paste]...
...which I rolled out on my handy-dandy Pie Crust Helper...
...Julia of course uses a special two part French Tarte Pan...but I don't have one...so I used my springform pan...because this tarte is served unmolded...freestanding...crust exposed...and since my pan is not fluted...I tried to make a pretty top to the crust...
...poked and prebaked...
...then you peel and thinly slice some apples...Julia specifies quartering them...but I used my little corer slicer thingy...and then just sliced those slices again...put those slices in a bowl with some lemon juice and a little bit of sugar...
...then use the rest of the apples to make an applesauce...Julia gives several options for mixing in...I only used vanilla, sugar, Earth Balance...
...and cinnamon...of course...I can hardly imagine an apple pie without cinnamon...
...then...spread the applesauce in the partially baked crust...
...and arrange your apple slices in pretty neatly overlapping circles over the top...
...there's a picture in the book...so I tried to make mine look like that...
...then you just bake it until the apples have browned lightly and are tender...mine took about 40 minutes...at 375° F....
...then you brush on some Vegan Gelée d'Abricot
...then unmold the tarte and slide it onto the serving dish...
...thankfully the crust held its shape...
...we served it still warm...but not hot...
...it was a pretty and delicious company dessert...
...but also...not a difficult dish to make for any day...really except for the applesauce and the glaze no more difficult than 'American Pie'...


only Earth Balance for the Butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 635 - 637...


  1. that looks simple and yummy!! you did a great job with the "fluting"

    love, k

  2. Hi Affectioknit!

    I edit content for V-lish.com on behalf of the non-profit animal protection organization Farm Sanctuary. The site is a resource for people interested in exploring plant-based eating and features helpful tips, tools, and recipes.

    I’m putting together a blog post in honor of Julia Child's birthday next week featuring plant-based recipes that celebrate her cooking, and I would LOVE to include your Vegan Tarte aux Pommes (photo and link back to your site only).

    We would of course give full credit to you, and link back to the original post.

    We average 16,000 visitors a month, and we regularly share v-lish content with our 250,000 Farm Sanctuary members and supporters who are looking for plant-based recipes. We’ve worked with exciting contributors like Mark Bittman, Alicia Silverstone, Emily Deschanel, and NFL pro David Carter. These recipes are frequently pitched to mainstream media, providing even more exposure and encouraging thousands to try plant-based eating.

    Let me know as soon as you can, please. Thanks!


    Jessica Walsh
    Engagement & Outreach Department

  3. Fantastic. I love the crust and the filling. Come Autumn I may have a go at this.

  4. Fantastic. I love the crust and the filling. Come Autumn I may have a go at this.
