Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Vegan Timbale de Crêpes

[Vegan Molded French Pancakes with Various Fillings]

...this is the second time I've made this recipe...the first time...I filled them with theVEGAN FONDUE DE CRUSTACÉS...and they were a bit of a flop...they tasted fine...but when I turned them out of the casserole dish they kind of flopped...

...so this time...I'm going smaller with the dish...and making little individual timbales...and I'm filling them with a simple cheese sauce...
...so first...of course...you need to make some vegan Crêpes...
...and since I'm using individual cups...I needed to trim mine...
...then I just lined the sides and bottom of a buttered oven safe dish...
...got out some smoked vegan provolone and made my VEGAN FONDUE AU GRUYÈRE for the filling...just using the vegan provolone instead of the gruyere...
...and started filling the little cups...
...filling...cheese...crepe...filling...cheese...crepe...ending with the vegan cheese...
...set them in a pan of water...
...and baked...
...these little ones unmolded perfectly...and I put them right side up on a bed of lettuce...because I thought they were prettier that way...
...but the recipe says to turn them out...
...I liked these a lot...they're a nice luncheon or brunch dish...


...so you'll need the Subs from the VEGAN PÂTE À CRÊPES...
...and all the subs from the VEGAN FONDUE AU GRUYÈRE

recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 195...

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