Tuesday, August 15, 2023


[Vegan Fish Soufflé]

...Julia gives no introduction to this recipe at all...she just dives right in...
...y'all have seen me use these vegan fish filets before...
...I just peel the breading off...
...then I got out my Nori sheets...and a green onion...because the first thing you do is make the VEGAN FISH POACHED IN WHITE WINE...
...so I ground up my vegan fish filets and added them...the green onion and the nori sheets along with some white wine to an oven proof dish...
...and baked that...
...then I mixed the vegan butter and flour...
...and added the boiling almond milk...this part always looks horrible...
...but just keep stirring...and it will come together to make a nice white sauce...
...then add in your poached vegan fish...
...and stir well to combine...breaking everything up to make as smooth a sauce as possible...the Nori pretty much disentigrates...
...and y'all have seen me use whipped aqua faba here before to mimic the egg whites in the recipe...but this time I'm going to omit that and just use some baking powder for the poof...
...I put the mixture in a parchment lined ramekin...because I'm expecting it to rise over the rim...
...Ok...in the oven it really did rise up onto the parchement...but as soon as I set it out of the oven it began to deflate...and by the time I got my camera it had deflated to the top of the ramekin...
...and we served it with a vegan fish filet and some peas and carrots...
...it definitely had more of the texture of a pudding than a poofy souffle...but it was still a very delicious side dish...


Vegan fish for the fish...we used Gardein
Vegan Butter
Vegan milk
Baking powder for the egg whites

recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 168-169...

1 comment:

  1. Well, that looks like something you make because you're doing all the recipes.....haha Glad you enjoyed. Love, K
