Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Vegan Porc Braisé avec Choucroute

[Vegan Pork Braised with Sauerkraut]

...Julia doesn't have a lot of recipes that contain sauerkraut...and for this recipe she says to use exactly the same method as for the VEGAN PORC BRAISÉ AUX CHOUX ROUGES...
...and so the first thing you do...is braise your sauerkraut...for a long long time...Julia says 3 hours...go here for how I make our homemade sauerkraut...it's super easy...but of course you'll need to do that about 3 weeks ahead of time...haha...
...and then you brown the pork...I'm using some pork seitan from the freezer...the VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ - Casserole Roasted Pork is a really good one...
...just using Earth Balance for this...
...and since the vegan pork is already...'cooked'...
...we're just looking for a little bit of carmelization...
...nicely browned on both sides...
...add the vegan pork to the half-braised sauerkraut...
...cover...and continue to braise for another 2 hours...these cooking times seem a bit extreme for vegan ingredients...
...served with vegan mashed potatoes and peas...of course...and homemade bread...
...perfectly braised...
...moist and tender vegan pork seitan...
...it was delicious...and has a definite German flavor to it...I happen to LOVE sauerkraut...but I know a lot of people don't...and as long as this has cooked I'm guessing that all of the nice probiotics are long gone...but it was super easy to make as I already had the seitan and the sauerkraut...so it was really just a matter of time...


Vegan Porc Seitan for the porc - I used leftovers from the VEGAN RÔTI DE PORC POÊLÉ - Casserole Roasted Pork
Vegan Butter - I used Earth Balance...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 385


  1. Yeah, the cooking time seems crazy long. Looks good though! Love, K

    1. Hey K,
      ...it's often the case with Julia's recipes...of course if it were real pork it probably wouldn't seem so extreme...
