Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Vegan Tarte an Fromage Frais et aux Pruneaux

[Vegan Cream Cheese and Prune Tart]

...Julia says that this recipe is basically a 'quiche'...
...so I gathered some egg replacer, besan, and soy protein...a combination that I've used before for an vegan egg-y mixture...
...got out my prunes and my homemade soy cheese...
...Julia says to soak the prunes...but I did not...mine are really soft anyway...and I think I'll prefer them with a bit more 'texture'...
...some sugar and Earth Balance...and blanched almonds complete the ingredients...
...I mixed the vegan cheese and the vegan egg together...
...added just a few drops of almond extract...I find that I need to be really careful with this flavoring so that it doesn't completely overpower the dish...
...rolled out my crust...
...and ground up the blanched almonds in my old coffee grinder...
...mixed everything together and poured it into my rustic par-baked crust...
...and then I added the chopped prunes...
...it baked up perfectly...Julia says...the tart will sink slightly as it cools. It may be served hot and puffed, or warm, or cold. It may also be reheated, but will not puff again...
...it sliced perfectly too...
...I thought it was good...the Man...not so much...


Vegan Egg - I used a combination of EnerG Egg Replacer, Besan, and Soy Protein...
Vegan Butter - I used Earth Balance...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 648


  1. Hmmm, that doesn't look like it would be a favorite....fun that you are trying all the new dishes though. Love, K

  2. I used to love this pie so much when i was young!!!! Never made it since i was vegan; now it's time!
