I'm always veganizing recipes that I love...so...I'm working my way
through all of the amazing recipes in Julia Child's
Mastering the Art of French Cooking...
...making a Vegan Version of each one...... sometimes successfully - sometimes not...Recipe Count 551/524 (from Julie's count)...but really 629

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


[Vegan Shrimp, Crab, or Lobster Quiche]

...Julia gives no introduction to this recipe at all...
...I'll be subbing Lobster Mushrooms for the Lobster...they're kind of mildly flavored...so if you want more of sea-like taste you could boil the mushrooms for a bit with some nori or other seaweed...
...just poured over some boiling water to re-hydrate those...you only need a cup...
...got out my quiche plate that was a wedding gift many...many years ago...
...it's Pfaltzgraff...and classic white...I love it a lot...
...then you need a partially cooked pastry shell...
...and in hindsight...I should have used Lovin' It Vegan's Quiche recipe again because it was so good...this was fine though...just not as fluffy and light...
...oddly...this recipe calls for a tablespoon of tomato paste...which I keep handily frozen in that amount...
...chop up some green onion or shallots...just a couple of tablespoons...
...Sauté those...
...then add your vegan lobster...and boil for a few minutes...
...add some white wine...
...allow to cool a bit...
...then add to your vegan egg mixture...
...partially bake your pie shell...
...add your vegan egg mixture...
...sprinkle some vegan cheese on top...
...and you're ready for the oven...
...bake until puffed and browned about 25-30 minutes...
...we served ours with some carrots and spinach...
...it was really good...mildly flavored...and maybe a little too dense...but it still tasted good...


I mixed up an eggy mixture using besan, soy protein, nooch, Vegex and Silk Protein...and flavored it with Kala Namak...
Lobster Mushroom for the Lobster
Daiya for the cheese

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 149-150

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, I would have never thought to put lobster in a quiche! Love, K
