...Julia says that this recipe can easily be prepared in 30 minutes...so it was just the thing for a busy Wednesday in Advent...normally we would have an Advent Supper before service at the Church - but that's not possible because of the construction...which reminds me that I need to do another construction update...

I started with a piece of seitan (conveniently made ahead and frozen - but you can start from scratch) - I cooked it in some vegetable broth for about 1 hour...

...then I sliced it in thin strips...and I sautéed some mushrooms - I didn't cover that here again...and set them aside...

...add the 'beef' to the pan with some oil and Earth Balance over moderately high heat...

...cook for 2-3 minutes...

...set the 'beef' aside with the mushrooms and...pour in the wine...

...and stock - I used vegan beef bouillon...

...and cream - I used soymilk with 2 Tablespoons of powdered soymilk added...

...add the seitan 'beef' and the mushrooms back to the sauce and baste the seitan 'beef'...

...pour it over a bed of rice...

...and serve...

...it was delicious and was definitely ready in less than 30 minutes - not including the seitan cooking time - which would have been even longer had I had to make the seitan too...but still a delicious busy Advent weeknight meal...we loved it...
Earth Balance for Butter
Soymilk for Cream
Vegan Bouillon for Stock
Seitan for Beef
Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking
p. 325-326
This looks so hearty and wonderful!