My goal was to have the Sauce à la Moutarde with the Filets de Poisson FILETS DE (Tofu) POISSON POCHÉS AU VIN BLANC - and so there were several steps - of course I had to make the Poisson again...
...then on to the sauce...

First I made some vegetable stock out of some veggie scraps I had saved in the freezer for just such an occasion... this sauce the roux is uncooked - so you barely melt some vegan butter...

...then off heat - you blend the flour and butter with a rubber scraper...

...'til it forms a paste...

...then - still off-heat - you pour in all of your boiling liquid at once...

...stirring vigorously... 'egg' mixture - just some soymilk - and some flax seed goo - to simulate the texture of egg - just boil some flax seeds in some water and strain - you get a very slippery goo...

...mix half of the hot liquid into the 'egg' mixture - probably not really necessary with vegan eggs - but we did it anyway...

...then put it all back together and heat to a boil - while stirring - until thickened...

Once that's thickened - you're done with the SAUCE BÂTARDE - and it's the base of several other sauces...
Earth Balance for butter
Flax seed goo for egg
Soymilk with powdered soymilk added for the cream
Had a notification yesterday that my Julia Childs cookbook and DVD were on their way - all ready for a cosy Saturday evening in front of the fire.
ReplyDeleteSo, this fishy dish looks like one to try!
We love our open fire, but it niggles my asthma so we don't do it that often. We might think about an enclosed stove for next year.