Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Vegan Quiche aux Endives

[Vegan Endive Quiche]

...I usually think of Endive as a salad ingredient...not something you'd cook and add to a quiche...

...Julia just says to follow the recipe for VEGAN FLAMICHE - QUICHE AUX POIREAUX...substituting sliced endive for the leeks...and adding some lemon juice to the cooking water...
...so first...make a VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...I used Earth Balance for the butter this time...and par-bake that...
...then mix up your vegan 'eggy' mixture...I used Lovin' it Vegan's Quiche recipe again...it's really good...should have used a deeper bowl ...or the food processor...this made a mess...haha...
...sliced the endive...
...and into a pot of water...
...add some lemon juice...
...then add the cooked endive to the vegan egg mixture...
...and bake until done...Julia saysto bake it in upper third of pre-heated oven for 25 to 30 minutes, or until puffed and browned...
...we served the quiche with lots of veggies...spinach goes really well with it...
...it was a perfect dinner...


Lovin' It Vegan's Quiche recipe...with subs for the vegan eggs and cheese
...and Earth Balance for the butter...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 152)

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