Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Vegan Crème au Beurre au Citron...Vegan Crème au Citron

[Vegan Lemon Butter-cream Icing and Vegan Lemon Butter Filling]

...so these two recipes get lumped together...but basically you follow the recipe for the Vegan Crème au Beurre à l'Orange...which is the Crème d'Orange with a bunch of vegan butter added to it...

...so the only difference is that we are adding lemon juice and zest instead of orange...
...I try to zest my lemons before I juice them...I have done it the other way round...but it's a lot more difficult to zest after the lemon is not ball shaped any more...
...juiced the lemons with Nanny's old juicer...
...whipped up the butter cream...
...and then strained the lemon juice...probably not entirely necessary as we'll be adding the zest so it's not going to be entirely smooth anyway...
...added the zest...
...and I decided to frost some vegan chocolate cupcakes with this lemon-y icing...
...it reminded me of that time when my older brother chose a lemon iced chocolate cake for his birthday cake and we all thought it was really weird...my birthday cakes were always chocolate cake with chocolate icing...of course...and I didn't vary...
...anyway...it was sweet and delicious...and the lemon actually goes really well with the chocolate...


Earth Balance for butter
flax seed goo for eggs..but in the referenced recipe above I used EnerG...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 676)


  1. I agree, sweet lemon goes great with chocolate! Love, K

  2. I always add a little lemon juice to any chocolate confection. It makes a huge difference. You can even avoid chocolate chips or chunks seizing up when melting in the microwave if you squeeze lemon juice on to them before starting the melting process. if liquid is already mixed in, an inadvertent drop of liquid won't cause the chocolate to seize. I also view this combination as an example of one of my favorite cooking principles: bitter and sour always make a good combination. Think of bitter greens with lemon or vinegar and oil. The lemon chocolate combination is just another example of this principle

    1. Thanks for the tip Nonna...I've had that problem before...
      ~Have a lovely day!
