Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Vegan Sauce Madère...Vegan Sauce au Porto

[VeganBrown Madeira Sauce]
[Vegan Brown Port Wine Sauce]

...this is just a variation on a brown sauce...and Julia says you can use any of the preceding base brown sauces...

...we used the VEGAN JUS LIÉ...as Julia says that this sauce is 'a most useful alternative' to the long simmered sauces...and it only takes about 5 minutes to make...
...first you boil some red wine...or port...until it reduces to about 3 Tablespoons...
...and then you add the prepared brown sauce...
...and right before serving you stir in some vegan butter...because Julia always has you stir in some vegan butter...
...we just had the sauce over tofu...but you could have it over anything really...
...it was a delicious rich wine-y sauce...


Washington's Brown Seasoning and Broth for the stock

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 75)

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a nice healthy meal! Sauce looks yummy, wouldn't have thought to start with wine. Love, K
