Monday, October 15, 2012


[Roquefort Cheese Quiche]
...I made the Vegan Blue Cheese recipe from Melomeals a while ago...and I froze some of it because I knew I'd need it for some of Julia's Roquefort can read all about it over at Affectioknit...
...then I made a VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE...and partially baked it...about 10 minutes...
...I blended up some egg mixture...I used the same recipe I'd used for the VEGAN L'OMELETTE BROUILLÉE...
...then I forced the two cheeses and the vegan 'egg' mixture through a know how Julia loves to use a seive...but it was kinda messy...and I'm thinking when I make it again I'll probably just either grate the cheese and mix it in or use the food processor...
...then I mixed in some chives and poured it into my partially based crust...and popped it into the oven...
...when it was nice and brown I topped it with some little leftover pastry hearts...I always make decorations with my leftover you do that?... sliced perfectly...
...served simply with a nice green salad and some crusty bread...and a nice crisp white wine... was perfect...
...the texture and the flavor were spot on!...I'll definitely be making it again!...

Vegan Eggs
Vegan Roquefort Cheese - recipe here
Tofutti for the cream cheese
Earth Balance for the butter
Soymilk mixed with powdered soymilk for the cream...of course you can use soy creamer if you have it...I have some but it was vanilla...and that wouldn't do at all...
and other subs from the VEGAN PÂTE BRISÉE

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 148