Friday, August 20, 2010

Vegan Concombres à la Crème

[Creamed Cucumbers]

Y'all remember all those fresh cucumbers from my sweet friend...

...we decided to try the Creamed Cucumbers recipe - as everything is better with a nice cream sauce...I used soy milk thickened with powdered soy milk as I do for almost all the cream recipes - when I can get it I also buy the plain Silk creamer to use for cream - but I didn't have any today...

...and then you boil that down until it reduces by half...fold in the hot baked cucumbers and sprinkle with parsley and serve...

...these were OK - I know I've said before that I'm just not that big of a fan of cooked cucumbers...

...these were nice - but I think I should eat my nice fresh cucumbers in the summertime and save cooked cucumber recipes for the winter...

Recipe here:

Soymilk with powdered soymilk for the cream
Earth Balance for the butter

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you--cucumbers are best fresh.

    However, your green beans (previous post) look absolutely delicious!

    One more thing. We recently tried a recipe I think you might like. It's an Italian Salad made with a layer of boiled, sliced potatoes, a layer of lightly sauteed or boiled green beans, a layer of sliced tomatoes, and a ring of hard-boiled eggs. The potatoes are seasoned with enough olive oil and salt and pepper to make the whole thing flavorful. How would you make this a vegan recipe? What kinds of things would you substitute for the eggs? Nuts? A crunchy vegetable?
