Sunday, August 15, 2010

Vegan Haricots Verts á la Maître d'Hôtel

[Buttered Green Beans II - with Lemon Juice and Parsley]

...the sweet parishoner I told you about yesterday brought a bag of fresh green beans to church today... I had to make another one of Julia's Haricots Verts recipes...

...this one is exactly the same as the Haricots Verts á l'Anglaise - just with the addition of some freshly squeezed lemon juice and a sprinkling of parsley (I only had dried parsley so that's what I used)...

...That's it - super simple and oh so good...


Earth Balance for Butter

Recipe here:

1 comment:

  1. Going to try this. I grew climbing French beans instead of the traditional runners. Thay are really lovely and tender with a delish flavour.

    I have lemons and in my herb garden is flat parsley - the leaves are flat!

    Tonight we are having falafels from the freezer, tomato sauce from the freezer, courgette (grown into a marrow) from the garden. I'll serve that with Martha Stewart's green cabbage and rice.
