Tuesday, October 24, 2023

VEGAN GIGOT OU ÉPAULE...Farce aux Herbes

[Vegan Stuffed Leg or Shoulder of Lamb-Garlic and Herb Stuffing]

...this is just a really simple stuffing consisting of:

minced shallots or green onions
clove mashed garlic
powdered ginger
ground rosemary
and salt and pepper...

...and you just mix that up in a bowl and spread in the vegan (seitan) lamb...
...there are six of the stuffing recipes...and I don't think that the Man and I are up to six whole vegan gigots...so I just hollowed one out and cut it into six slices and I'll stuff and tie each one just to try out each recipe...at the end I'll let you know which one I think is the best and maybe for an Easter feast do a whole vegan gigot again...
...so I gathered up the ingredients...
...chopped some parsley...
...green onion, garlic, ginger powder...and the ground rosemary I didn't have so I just took some dried rosemary and ground it up in my mortar and pestle...
...got out my twine...
...stuffed the vegan gigot and tied it up...
...and baked until everything was done...brown and fragrant...
...we served it with steamed broccoli, mixed veg and french bread...
...it really is a pretty slice...
...I liked it...the flavors were an interesting combination...not too overpowering...


Vegan Lamb...recipe here...VEGAN GIGOT DE PRÉ-SALÉ RÔTI

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 336)

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