Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Vegan Bavarois au Chocolat

[Vegan Chocolate Bavarian Cream]

...remember this is a 'teaching' cookbook...Julia expects you to 'master' the main recipe and then proceed to the variations...but I wanted a chocolate cream...not an orange one...so I didn't start with the master recipe...but Julia says to " Use the same method and ingredients as for the master recipe for Bavarian cream, but omit the orange flavoring and make the following changes.
...so...starting in the 'chocolate' version...I grated some chocolate into some almond milk...
...and I needed some strong coffee...which I didn't have...so I brewed a cup...and it is really really strong...haha...
...and I pretty much used the Vegan Omelette recipe here...just without the 'savoury' components...for the egg yolks...
...then mixed the sugar...cornstarch...vegan eggs and chocolate milk together...Julia does this separately and then puts it into a saucepan...but I mixed mine directly in the saucepan...you don't have to be careful with vegan eggs...
...then whip up your vegan egg whites...
...which are just plain aqua faba...
...to stiff peaks...always so amazing...
...then fold the vegan egg whites into the chocolate cream...
...and spoon into little cups...
...then make a VEGAN CRÈME ANGLAISE...I should have put it into the little pitcher like I did in the original recipe...
...unmold your little cups of fluffy chocolate cream...
...and serve with the vegan creme anglaise...
...I spooned it over and tried to make an interesting pattern...it would have been better to pour it from a little jug though...
...and this was a really delicious dessert...


Vegan Egg for the egg
almond milk for the milk
aqua faba for the egg whites
...and the vegan creme anglaise if you're using it...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 599...

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