Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Vegan Soufflé Panaché

[Vegan Half and Half Soufflé]

Julia says that two kinds of souffle may be cooked in the same mold, use vanilla, and coffee, pralin, or orange. Chocolate will not do, as it cooks in a different manner....not sure why...I've not tried the chocolate one yet...

...and based on my experience with the Vegan Soufflé au Café...which was very mildly flavored of coffee...I only steeped a tablespoon or so of coffee in the milk...
...this time...I used a decaf instant...because I wanted there to be more contrast between the vanilla side and the coffee side...the other way you'd hardly be able to tell the difference...or maybe use a lot more of the grounds to steep in the milk...
...but I may have gone too far in that direction and made it too strong with coffee...but there will be a contrast for sure...haha...
...and I had a little bit of the praline left in the freezer from the Vegan Soufflé Praliné...so I added that down the center...after I did that I was afraid it would just sink to the bottom...but it did not...
...and as long as you got the vanilla and the coffee sides together it was not too strongly flavored...haha...it was good...and you can definitely taste the coffee this time...


Almond milk for the milk...
Vegan Egg for the egg yolk
Aqua Faba for the egg white

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 618-619

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy. I’m not a big fan of sweet coffee things though. Love, Karen
