Tuesday, September 22, 2020


[Vegan Poached Eggs on Canapés, Artichoke Bottoms, Mushroom Caps, or in Pastry Shells]

...well as the title suggests...you can pretty much put a poached egg on top of just about anything...and Julia says there is a 'practically limitless series of elegant little hot first courses or luncheon dishes'...

...and this one is pretty simple...
...first you'll need to make the VEGAN OEUFS POCHÉS...which is just a sort of white sauce thickened with agar agar and cornstarch...
...I usually 'form' that into a sort of egg shape in a large kitchen spoon...and in the past I've made the vegan 'yolk' using potato...
...but this time...I've used Sam's VEGAN TOAST DIPPING SAUCE (VEGAN EGG YOLK)...
...it's perfect for this recipe...
...I scooped out a little divot from the vegan egg white...
...and I'm using a vegan (probiotic two ingredient) scone for the croustade...
...arranged the egg white on top of the croustades...
...and spooned over some of the yolk...
...served with coffee...
...a really perfect breakfast...I'll be making this again...


...subs from the VEGAN OEUFS POCHÉS
...any type of vegan croustade...
Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 118)

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


[Vegan Lime Souffle Tart - Hot]

...Julia says this tarte 'is attractive in little shells for afternoon tea'...so I thought that would be cute and fun...
...and you'll have to make the Vegan Pâte Brisée Sucrée...again...
...so I turned my little muffin pan upside down...
...and rolled and cut out little flower shapes...
...and draped those across the muffin cups...
...I cut out a dozen of those...
...and then made a regular pie crust with the rest of the dough...
...there probably won't be quite enough filling left...but I'll fill it with whatever doesn't fit in the little cups...
...Julia says to let the crust 'barely color'...
...so I whipped up some aqua faba...
...stiff peaks...so amazing...
...grated some lime...
...and squeezed some lime...
...then I made the custard...Julia give instructions for cooking this in a double boiler...

...but since I don't have any egg yolks...I'm just cooking my combination of sugar, almond milk, flour, lime juice and lime rind in a pot...

...and cooked until thick and custard-y...
...then folded in the stiff aqua faba...
...then I put the little tarte shells in the muffin tin right side up...and filled those with a couple of spoonfuls of fluffy lime custard...
...and I probably had a little more than half left...
...so I filled the regular pie crust with that...
...baked for about 30 minutes...
...until puffed and started to colour...
...then take it out and sprinkle with powdered sugar...
...Julia says it's done when a needle or knife inserted comes out clean...mine did not...but I'm still sure everything is done...it still seems more like pudding...
...then you run it back under the broiler for a few minutes...
...they turned out so cute...
...little fluffy custard-y tid-bits...
...and Julia is right...they are...perfect with afternoon tea...although the Man and I both think this would be better cold...maybe just because we like Key Lime Pie cold...but we will surely be eating the leftovers chilled...


...subs from the Vegan Pâte Brisée Sucrée
for the egg yolk/custard mixture...I basically made a cooked pudding with, almond milk, flour, and sugar...
...aqua faba whipped for the egg whites...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 645-646)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Vegan Suprêmes de Volaille aux Champignons

[Vegan Chicken Breasts with Mushrooms and Cream]

...this is just a variation of the VEGAN SUPRÊMES DE VOLAILLE À BLANC...
...you start with some green onions and vegan butter...or shallots...which I almost never have on hand...
...add some fresh mushrooms...either sliced or diced...the Man diced these...
...add a vegan chicken breast of some sort...mine is a seitan one using the Compassionate Breast recipe from Tracy at A Vegan for Dinner...the blog is not around anymore...but you can find it on the Wayback Machine...

...so all I had to do was get one out of the freezer...but I think baked tofu would work well in this recipe too...

...you're supposed to 'cook' the chicken in the mushrooms and butter...but mine was already cooked...so I just sautéed it a bit...
...then covered it with buttered paper and put it into the oven...
...when you take the casserole (I used a cast iron skillet though) remove the Suprêmes to a dish while you make the sauce...
...you can add some stock here if you want...or some wine...I seemed to have 'enough' stock left from the cooking...so I just added some homemade almond cream...but you could use any vegan cream...
...stir in the cream...
...and bring to the boil...
...until thickened...
...you're supposed to pour the sauce over the Suprêmes...but I thought this was a prettier presentation for the table...and I'll pour the sauce over as I serve...

...as my sweet SIL used to say...'presentation is everything'...it's not though...wink...
...we had these creamy Vegan Suprêmes with peas and mashed potatoes...
...really...really a delicious meal...I'd definitely make this again...


Vegan Butter
Vegan Chicken for the Suprêmes
Almond cream for the cream...or some other cream of your choice...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 269)